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Study On The Life_World Theory Of Marx

Posted on:2014-02-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330398959938Subject:Ideological and political education
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The thesis studys on the life_world theory of Marx systematically, including its connotation, fundmental content, main characteristics and its contemporary value. The life_world theory is an important part of Marxsim and production of marx’s theory exploration. The survival condition and future development face to new chances and challenges on condition of globalization. Marx’s life_world theory is salvation for human deserted spirit and the capitalism economic crises.The thesis analyses the historical context and challenges the life_world theory facing in current era. It points out the new production mode leads to the emergence of new social stratum, the formation of multipolar world pattern and the emergence of multiple social thought, these form the world view in globalization era. In China, economic development and social issues common exist, politics stability and reformation common exist, the mainstream culture and cultural diversity common exist. These situation give the life_world theory mang challenges:how to rethink the global problem, how to dialogue with multiple social ethods, how to contact with Chinese traditional culture. To face these challenges, the life_world theory must innovate its appearance path and combine with Chinese traditional culture in the dialogue with multiple social ethods.The thesis analyses the historical background and theoretical source of the life_world theory of Marx firstly. Marx analysed capitalistical economic and politics and pointed out the future of the era from workshop to modern industry. Marx’s exploration about human, practice and life has theoretical source:the western philosophy trandition. Ancient Greek philosiohy as the beginning of western philosophy provides abundant thought resources for study on life_world theory of Marx. German classical philosophy directly gives theoretical sources.The life_world theory of Marx has its own development process just like other theories. In1841—1844, the life_world theory began to form. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of1844is a mark of its beginning. In this manuscript, Marx analysed the important significance of labour for human civilization and historical progress, he pointed out that capitalist private ownership was the cause of labor alienation phenomenon. Alienation of labor would bring huge disaster for the working class and the entire people.The working class only took the real communist action, overthrew the capitalist private ownership could get ability from alienated labor to liberation, to realize the human liberation.In1845—1848, Marx’s life_world theory formed. The German Ideology and Communist Manifest are the representative works. The lie_world theory main body, content, target, basic aspects of the basic theories had been basically complete in those two works. In1849—18467, Marx’s life_world theory entered its development period, this period representative works is the Capital. Marx analysed accurately the material basis and future development of life_world. After1867, Marx study on life_world entered deepenth period.In a clear understanding of Marx’s life_world theory generation process, the connotation and content structure of life_world are analysed. The life_world in Marx here refers to the reality person generation process, material life and spiritual life, daily life and non-daily life unity. The subject of life_world is the historical generative human. The reality human is people who engaged in the activity of material production and had inter subjectivity. It has distinction with the old philosophical understanding of the abstract person. The material basis of life_world is human production practice. The mai content of life_world includes the object relationship between human and nature, the social interaction between people and the mental communication between human and himself. The relationship between human and nature, huaman and himself is the necessity of historical development. The life_world theory looks each man’s free and overall development as the ultimate goal.Marx pointed out one of method to get the goal was overthrow the capitalist rule, realize the liberation of all mankind.The thesis points out the main characteristics of Marx’s theory on its content. Marx’s life world theory has generation characteristic. The subjecet and mental basis of life_world are historical generative. The relationship between human and nature, human and himself are also generative. Each man’s free and overall development goals has different forms of expression in each kind of social morphology of different stage. Marx’s life world theory has practical feature. Practice way of thinking is the method to understand human of life_world theory, practical attitude to life is the way of the life_world theory to understand the world. Reality is the based feature of life_world theory. Marx’s life_world theory critiques Metaphysics and reflects the reality of life. At the same time it emphasis on material practice foundation function and shows the reality of life subject. These features make contrast with Husserl’s priori metaphysical spirit, the unreal life world theory. At last Husserl can not find a way to back to lifeworld, but Marx stands on life-world soil to realize his ideal.The life_world theory of Marx has important significance and value. To Marx’s huam theory, the life_world theory provides theoretical material for it. To the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it provides theoretical direction. Theoretically speaking, the life_world theory begins a new prospective for the study on Marxism. From the point of practice, it gives theoretical direction for the construct of socialist harmonious society. By analyzing its historical destiny, the writer finds out that the life_world theiry was absent in the process of the dissemination and development of Marxism. By the same time, many theorists developed the life_world theory from their own philosophical position. From Chinese position, the life_world theory faces with its sinicization.The thesis studies the process of formation and development of the life_world theory, summaries the main body and characteristics of life_world theory, points out its historical and realistical significance, emphasizes its theoryetical and practical value. on this basis, the thesis analyzes the historical destiny of the life_world theory and comes to a dicision: the life_world theory has to realize its sinicization in current china to advance its development.
Keywords/Search Tags:life_world, practice, generative, significance, value, historical destiny
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