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A Research Into KMT’s Central Public Training Institutions(1927-1938)

Posted on:2013-07-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330395459207Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis has resarched thoroughly KMT’s different attitudes towards popularmovements from the beginning of Northern Expedition to the establishment ofNanjing National Government, and pointed out that KMT increasingly had focused onpopular movements, and was aware of the public contained great force which was themain force to promote the revolution after the first KMT-CPC cooperation and thereorganization of the Kuomintang. However, the the high level of KMT graduallychanged the attitudes towards popular movements because during the NorthernExpedition, KMT and CPC took different attitudes towards popular movements, andKMT lacked the capacity to control popular movements. This thesis hereafter pointedout that after the establishment of Nanjing National Government, KMT changed itsattitudes from actively supporting popular movements to completely controllingthem so as to grasp the scale and scope of popular movements totally.This thesis has then stated the development and evolution of KMT’s centralpublic training institutions after the establishment of Nanjing National Government,and pointed out that the five Departments of Workers, Farmers, Businessmen, Women,Youth had been replaced by the Central Public Training Committee and the CentralPublic Training Department of KMT during the Great Revolution. This thesis hasargued that KMT re-established its central public training institutions with thechanging of its attitudes towards popular movements. Moreover, KMT’s so-called“training” led by its central public training institutions was essentially forcing thetrainees---people to accept KMT’s one-party dictatorship and become obedientcitizens under t its rules. This thesis has pointed out that the stage of KMT’s centralpublic training Committee was just the transitional phase of its central public traininginstitutions, which is not worth writing about. The two stages of its Central TrainingDepartment and Central Popular Movement Training Committee after theestablishment of its political tutelage were corresponding to its purpose that KMTrequired to instruct people to become faithful followers of the Three Principles of the People during the period of its Political Tutelage.The thesis has subsequently pointed out that ethnic conflicts rose to the principalcontradiction in China beyond the class contradictions in the historical backgroundof Japanese imperialist invasion. Therefore, KMT then changed its attitudes towardspublic movements as well as Japan, and proposed to rely on the people in order toarouse them to resist the invasion of the Japanese imperialists. This thesis has statedthat at the critical moment of the invasion of the Japanese imperialists, KMT’s changeof its attitudes towards popular movements was an important aspect of the correcttransformation to the re-cooperation with CPC. This thesis has concluded that thedevelopment and evolution of KMT central public training institutions were merelyinstitutional changes, the relationship between KMT and the people did not actuallychange as the institutions changed. As a matter of fact, KMT was not a well-organizedpolitical party before and after the establishment of Nanjing National Government,because there were many political groups within it and its government was not aparty-ruling one in the strict sense which led to that KMT’s power could not exceedthe government. Consequently KMT’s government could not really control the peopleno matter how its central public training institutions changed.
Keywords/Search Tags:KMT, Popular Movements, Public Training, Central Institutions
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