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Research On Thought Of Change For Six Phases

Posted on:2016-10-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224330461982029Subject:Chinese medicine
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The Huang Yuanyu ideology of six alternating phases, which include Ins and Outs,Middle Qi, Avoidance of Harm by Restraining Excess, Alternative Predominance, Qi Depression and Seizure, etc gasification theories, completely and systematically explained the physiological and pathological features of Febrile Diseases six phases, it’s a highly integrated thought system of "Neijing" yunqi gasification theory and "Febrile Diseases" six phases theory. From Huang’s point of view, all Febrile Diseases six phases diseases are diseases from six qi. Huang Yuanyu six phases gasification ideology which is based on qi monism theory, is the time and space unity of six phase’s physiological and pathological changes. It described the changing rules of six meridian physiology structures in the time scale. "Yiqizhouliu" and "Qiyuweibing" were the basic physiological and pathological features according to Huang’s theory, it also unified the shengfu yufa process in yunqi theory and development of six meridian syndrome, kanghai chengzhi is the internal mechanisam of six phases gasification.Huang Yuanyu had a deep research and study on the traditional Chinese medical classics, for example, Neijing, Nanjing, Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Jinguiyaolue., He also had a good understanding of Confucian Daoist classics. Therefore, he has many unique ideas and explanations on the Febrile Diseases six phases gasification principle with his broaden vision and solid effort. Nevertheless, currently most of the Chinese academic research on Huang Yuanyu’s academic more focus on partly Fu Yang and gas, no comprehensive and systematic study on his distinctive six phases gasification thinking. As more and more persons pay attention to Huang Yuanyu academic thought in recent years, it’s necessary to further investigate on the six phases gasification thought, so as to increase its clinical application.Research purpose and methodsThis paper comprehensively interoperated the six phases gasification ideation according to sorting and analysis on the Huang’s six phases gasification related books. This paper also summarized the research findings on biaobenzhongqi, kanghaichengzhi, shengyufufa, etc gasification theories and deeply studied the analysis of Huang’s theory on Febrile Diseases six phases essence problems and drugs which can also provide some clinical significance.Research contentThe main body of this paper can be divided by four parts:The first part mainly discussed the research methods of Huang Yuanyu six phases gasification and the thought formation background. His comments and analysis on the traditional Chinese medical classics such as "Neijing", "Nanjing", "Shanghan", "Jingui" mainly take the method of "explain the classics by classics". Huang’s comments classics take the explaining tighteousness as the key point and don’t limited to a word. There are details and abbreviation so as to make the argumentation perfecta nd meaning access. Huang paid attention to summarization of yunqi gasification theory and Febrile Diseases six phases theory and try to build a simple, integrated, commonly applicable medical principle based on six phases gasification theory. The many cultural integration times background which dominated by confucianism played an important enlightening role to establish the unified Huang’s thinking of six phases gasification theory.The Second part is the core of this paper, which mainly explained the academic characteristics of Huang Yuanyu six phases gasification ideology. These academic characteristics include Yunqi gasification part and Febrile Diseases six phases theory. Yunqi gasification part mainly cover Huang’s viewpoint of biaobenzhongqi, kanghaichengzhi, shengyufufa and kezhujialin, etc theories. Febrile Diseases six phases theory part is mainly the content of Mr. Huang’s understanding of the basic problems in Febrile Diseases six phases essence problems and drugs. Huang brought up the basic physiological features of six phases gasification yiqizhouliu and pathological features of six phases qiyu disease. Huang thought six phases are six qi, one qi controls two phases. Therefore, Huang put the conghua relations between yiqisuotong and tongmingliangjing in the first priority position. As for the law of Shaoyang taiyin from ben, Jueyin yangming from the sun, shaoyin from the biao and ben, Huang thoughtIt is depended on six phases position in zhongqi sixiang. Shaoyang taiyin laid in the middle so from ben, Jueyin fengmu and yangming zaojin laid in the nearby while wood is the mid phases of water and fire, dry is the cold and hot phasesm, so jueyin yangming laid in the middle. Shaoyin shaoyang laid in the two extremes of water and fire, so it complied with biao and ben. Liujingchuanjing is essentially the gasification disease of six qi circulation in different level. Huang unified the shengyu fufa process in yunqi gasification and fengshangwei, hanshangying’s pathological process, he made it as the basic pathological process of six phases gasification arrhythmia. The contradiction between the simplicity of six phases gasification principle and complexity of six phases diseases is caused by hierarchy of six phases gasification. Different levels of six phases gasification affect on each other and lead to the complexity of six phases which unified in the simple principle. Therefore, Huang can apply the six phases gasification principle in the analysis of Febrile Diseases prescription and drugs. Main phases of body is the determine element of chuanbian direction in the six phases diseases. Huang explained the main phase determine role with "zuqi" concept.The third part is the Huang Yuanyu’s medince theory unity by using six phases gasification theory. Huang’s related medicine books "Changshayaojie", "Shanghaixuanjie", "Shanghanshuoyi" were the main investigation objects. Huang unified the theory of medicine theory in six phases gasification theory, he addressed medicine resistance can’t leave human physiological and pathology. The characteristic is that it combined theory and practice. Huang divided the medicine used for Febrile Diseases into solid, wood, gold, fire and water four parts in "changshayaojie". This paper choosed the typical drugs in these four parts separately and analyze the medicine resistance so as to highlight the unity of medicine theory and Huangshi six phases gasification ideology.The fourth part is the prescription analysis of "Febrile Diseases" with six phases gasification ideology. The discussion takes six phases articles order of "Febrile Diseases" and choose typical prescription in every phase to analyze. Investigation on the zhongjingzufang thinking and zufang principle with Huang’s six phases gasification thought. There are 10 typical prescriptions choosed which firstly quote the original literature, then analyze the laws and finally give a detailed analysis on the yunqi gasification laws embody by key prescription.Research conclusionThe innovative achievements are mainly embodied as below:firstly comprehensively and systematically summarized formation, characteristic and application of Huang Yuanyu six phases academic thoughts. Highlight the internal relationship and unity of "Neijing" gasification theory and "Febrile Diseases" six phases theory. It also provided some guiding significance on research of Febrile Diseases six phases dialectical system and clinical application.In a word, Huang Yuanyu formulated a relative perfect and systematic six phases gasification ideology based on well reading "Neijing" Yunqi gasification theory and "Febrile Diseases" six phases theory. He not only systematically analyzed the Febrile Diseases six phases nature and six phases chuan jing by using biaobenzhongqi, kanghaichengzhi, shengfuyufa, etc gasification theory, but also gave a elaborate discussion on the concrete problems like six phases yujie shi and bladder gasificaton. This provided a new way to solve the key problems in the traditional Chinese medical theory. Huang Yuanyu creatively completed the fevrile disease important work "Sijingxuanshu" and be verified in clinical application by his successor. In this way, six phases gasification theory is a relative integrated and commonly applicable traditional Chinese medical theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Jing(Six Phases), Qi movement, Qi cycling, Qi stasis, balance, Huang Yuanyu
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