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Normalized Light Research

Posted on:2007-04-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360212984657Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the middle of Ming Dynasty , most of authors imitated classical literature by rote. If he did not do that ,he would be derided fiercely. Gui youguang ,an old country teacher and Confucian, never do that like others ,he always indited himself and left those jeers alone. Finally, his adversary admired him very much, and the litterateurs of the Qing Dynasty also respected him more and more, this dissertation intends to give a comprehensive investigation of his prose, his thought, his viewpoint, ect.This paper is divided into four parts. The first chapter tell us how many works he had written. his prose has three main editions, the first one ,named as Kunshan Edition, has been regarded the worsest one. Based on my careful investigation ,I find it is not the case ,although it has some errs ,it has many merits too ,it can give us some information which others do not have.therefore.we must treat them equally without discrimination.Gui yougong has another book named Wenzhangzhinan ,mang people think the author was someone else ,beause the book come out very late.I find a book published in the Ming Dynasty and I thought it was Gui youguang that wrote it .The second chapter gave us many comments made by some famous authores.They said that Gui youguang was good at expressing his emotions by writing household things ,which is the main characteristic of his prose. The third chapter estimates his status in the literary field. he studied many from some preceding authors ,and he give us the tracks in studing the Thangsong prote.we ought to regard him as a member of Tangsong-Faction.Although,Tongcheng -Faction in the Qing Dynasty professed that their literary attitude come from Gui youguang,in fact,few of them evaluated him suitably.Therefore,they did not get his good qualities at all, They merely studied some skills from his protes.The last chpter give us his mang viewpoints about Zhanguoce, Shiji and many classical protes,which helps us a comprehensive about his literary opinions. He not only stadyed bookcraft from them ,but accepted their value judgment .he give us a good exemplar of studing Qinghan literature and Tang song literature.In this paper , I do not give some perspectives unconventional or unorthodox .in my opinions ,I want to get a impartial and veracious estimation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Normalized
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