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Dunhuang Vimalakirti Literary Studies

Posted on:2001-07-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360002451170Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis takes Dunhuang's Vimalakirti literature as its object of study. It consists of the following seven parts: Introduction makes reference to the meaning, the method and present situation of study. In the second Chapter on Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra and related literature works seen in Dunhuang Manuscripts?, while analyzing 4 Dunhuang documents about Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra, the author points out that Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra appeared in history in this order of priorities: versions, commentaries on the sutra, the texts of Vajracehedika-prainaparamita Sutra and librettos, this demonstrates the popularization process of the Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra. The third chapter is translations of Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra and the cultural changes during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Through backgrounds of the translation and propagation of sutras, the dissertation shows that there were six different translations of Vimalakirtinirdesasutra in history from the Late Han Dynasty to Kumaraju era. In addition, the author also examines mutual close relationship between different versions such as by Zhiqian, by Zhushulan, and by Kumaraju and culture of Chinese gentry. and makes a brief analysis of the reasons of the wide spread of Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra, and then holds that the type of lay Buddhist, many allusions and metaphors in Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra originates from stasahasrikaprajnaparimita. upaya and language idea in these Buddhist sutras has a profound impact on behavior and literary and artistic creation of Chinese scholars. Xie Ling-yun embodied the spirit of the era. In the forth chapter on imalakirti in the general mood of argumentation? attempts are made to analyze the same phenomenon which lies in status as Vimalakirti par excellence, and emphasizing argumentation under a background of South-North cultural exchange. Vimalakirti sutra first by Gu KLaizhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. and Vimalakirti sutra images in the Longmen Grottoes are all outcome of the prevailing custom of argumentation. Illustrations of the Vimaiakirti Sutra first appeared in the Mogao Grottoes in the Sui Dynasty , this demonstrates the persistent emphasis on meditation, and observation of Buddha images of the Hexi Buddhism. In the fifth chapter, the author finds beginning with the southern Qi and Liang dynasties, Viinalakirtinirdesa sutra is woven into the fabric of eryday life for the popular. By studying these materials, the author draws the conclusion that the conditions of Vimalakirti belief from gentry belief to popular belief are three principles: The circulation of the name for Jinsurulai ~ , The appearance of Bao Zhi and Fu Da Shi who exemplified Vimalakirti.forged copies of Vimalakirtisutra were in fashion. The sixth chapter on the texts of Vajracehedika-prainaparamita Sutra and Illustrationsof Vimalakirti?. The chapter is composed of two parts. The first section of part one, based on the texts of the Vimalakirti Sutra, analyses the approximately time of creation. It is noted that the texts of the Vimalakirti Sutra contained at least two systems, and the form of commentaries on the sutra produced a direct impact on the texts of the Vimalakirti Sutra. The contemporary name and description of a thing , the present poems and folk songs, Buddhist ideas in Central China, allusions being used by the Buddhist Masters who gave thepopular sermons, the story of Vimalakirti lost its primitive impression in the original by degrees. The second section of part one is an investigation to the prosperity and development of the ill...
Keywords/Search Tags:Vimalakirti
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