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The Study On The Cause-and-effect Relationship In Russian

Posted on:2013-01-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115330374954302Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The cause-and-effect category is one of the commonly existing relationships in theobjective world, which is a traditional subject that linguists study. This dissertationfocuses on the relationship of the cause and effect in Russian. Based on the theories inphilosophy, relevant linguistics and logics, the dissertation attempts to systematicallyanalyze and generalize the cause-and-effect relationship in Russian. The study wascarried out from five perspectives, namely, the research status of the cause-and-effectrelationship, the syntactic and semantic analysis of the cause-and-effect structures, theexpressions of cause in Russian, the expressions of effect in Russian, and theexpressions of the cause-and-effect relationship in complex syntactic structures. Thecause-and-effect category has rules in human thinking, social culture and languages.Thus the cause-and-effect relationship goes through all the levels of the objective world,which is displayed in various fields in disciplines. From philosophy, logics andlinguistics, this dissertation elaborates and analyzes the research status ofcause-and-effect relationship. In the cause-and-effect structures, the cause and effectcomes into the dialectical unity. The classification of causes is various, such as thedirect and indirect reasons, the internal and external reasons, the subjective andobjective reasons. According to the different communicative tasks, division of themeand rheme is different. The relationship of cause is the relationship of two phenomena,in which one phenomenon is realized based on the other phenomenon. The relationshipof cause can be divided into the relationship between pure reasons, reasons for non-purerelations and contextual reasons for the relationship. The category of effect is defined asthe syntactic, lexical and functional semantic categories, which can be divided into threetypes, namely the relationship between pure effects, effects for non-pure relations andcontextual effects for the relationship. In addition, according to the semantic relations incomplex syntactic structures, the complex syntactic structures with cause-and-effect semantic meanings are divided into general cause-and-effect relations, objectivecause-and-effect relations and conditional cause-and-effect relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:the cause-and-effect relationship, cause, effect
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