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The Study On The Hygiene Thought Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics

Posted on:2010-11-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360275986871Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purposes: Developing the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the basic target that our nation's hygiene cause develops. And walking on the road of going in for developing the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the basic approach that our hygiene cause develops. In order to promote the hygiene cause preferably to develop healthily, stably, harmoniously and continually, correct thought must be assumed and the path which suits Chinese conditions must be taken to develop the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Discussing the scientific connotation, fundamental contents and features of the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only the important task which the general theorists face, but also the objective need which is necessary to develop the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics orderly. Owing to this, the article conducts the deep research over the basic issues about the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Methods: Documents-Studying.(1)Comperehensive looking up the historical data about the documents of CPC, speech of four generations of central collective leadship and their inscriptions since New China has been founded;(2)This method lies in researching the keywords such as hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Chinese hygiene, Chinese hygiene policy, Chinese hygiene institution, Chinese hygiene system etc. on Chinese journal net, All places database, Chinese technical journal database, Chinese Doctor's and Master's excellent theses database so that the domestic and foreign theories about the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics can be collected and relative progresses and deficiencies on the subject can be analyzed. Then the key points and the possible breaches over the subject can be ascertained. Conclusions: (1) According to our present situations of Chinese, combining our present situations of Chinese hygiene cause, the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics is determined as the basic thinking which guides to ascertain the focal point and direcation of the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.(2)The former three generations of central collective leadership, respectively taking Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin as the core, have made enormous contributions to the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so has done the new generation, which takes Hu Jintao as its core. The hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the first generation of central collective leadership, taking Mao Zedong as the core, has included several aspects. 1. Medicine and hygiene work is related to the success and failure of socialist revolution and construction. 2. With carrying out the patriotic hygiene campaign among the masses, prevention should be given the top priority. 3. Chinese traditional medicine and pharmacology should be inherited and developed. 4. The priority of medicine and hygiene work should be laid in countryside. 5. Mother and child care work should be done earnestly. 6. Constructing medical ethics and medical style should be reinforced. 7. Medical education and scientific development on hygiene cause should be paid great attention to. The hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the second generation of central collective leadership, taking Deng Xiaoping as the core, has included main aspects. 1. Medicine and hygiene work is related to every nation's physical and mental health. 2. As to hygiene industry, social benefits must be taken the first place in order to promote the following two aspects-socialist modernization and hygiene cause-to develop coordinately. 3. The integration of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine should be done well so that Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine can be progressed together. 4. The key point of our country's hygiene work should be put in rural areas and national minority areas. 5. Developing medical education and training high skilled medical and hygienic talents are the key points of the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 6. Birth control is one of the basic state policies in our nation. So doing technical services for birth control well is the basic important content of hygiene work. The hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the third generation of central collective leadership, taking Jiang Zemin as the core, has included the following aspects. 1. The argument has been reaffirmed that the priority of medicine and hygiene work should be laid in countryside. 2. Enriching excellent cultural heritages of our nation has been emphasized to promote Chinese hygiene cause. 3. Developing medical education of science and technology and training high skilled medical and hygienic talents have been stressed. 4. The principle'prevention is the top priority'should be insisted on and precautions against diseases should be done well. 5. Constructing medical ethics and medical style should be reinforced to improve medical personnel's quality. 6. A good job should be done in national minorities' hygiene work. 7. Emphasized that strengthening and improving the Party and government's leadership is the guarantee as to doing hygiene work better. The hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the new generation of central collective leadership, taking Hu Jintao as the core, has the following aspects. 1. Completing the hygiene work remarkably is not only the Party and government's inescapable duty, but only the urgent need to construct the socialism harmonious society. 2. The reform of hygiene system should be deepened; developing hygiene cause healthily should be promoted, and the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics should be established more perfectly. 3. Practical and feasible measures should be taken to bring about everyone's enjoying basic health care. 4. The public hygiene service system should be perfected, and the principle'prevention is the top priority'should be implemented in order to be ready for diseases. 5. Constructing hygiene team and improving the quality of the team should be reinforced. (3) The 'characteristics' which are shown by the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics include: 1.The priority of medicine and hygiene work should be laid in countryside,devote major efforts to developing the rural hygiene cause;2.With doing well the diseases' precaution and common and frequently-occurring diseases' treatment, prevention should be given the top priority. 3.Emphasized the importance of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine,combining Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine and creating Chinese new medicine and pharmacology;4. The Party and government's leadership is the political guarantee as to developing the hygiene cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.(4) The features of the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics include: 1.politicized quality; 2. affinity with the masses 3.primary quality; 4. the quality of harmonious growthInnovations: (1) The article has concluded and studied completely the enormous contributions to the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics made by the former three generations of central collective leadership, respectively taking Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin as the core, and the new generation, which takes Hu Jintao as its core. (2) The article has studied systematically the concrete manifestations and features of the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics. (3) The article has clarified deeply the connotation of the hygiene thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese characteristics, hygiene thought, theory study
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