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Yin Gangrene Disease Literature

Posted on:2002-07-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360032455284Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional Chinese Medicine Surgery , which had been called "Sore Subject" always has the main research object--sore, in which Yang-type carbuncles and Yin-type carbuncles are the most common diseases. In the early stage, the Yang-type carbuneles belong to Yang syndrome ,heat syndrome ,excessive syndrome and are easy to cue ,but the Yin-type carbuncles belong to Ym syndrome , cold syndrome , deficient syndrome and are difficult to cue .To the cognition and treatment of these two diseases ,the ancient medical only did the treatment of differentiation syndromes to the idiographic disease ,but they did not give a strict difference of the two diseases Till the later Qing Dynasty ,Wang Weide first divided the Yang or Yin-type carbuncles into three types Yang syndrome , Yin syndrome , Yang and Yin syndrome in the (Complete Works Of Diagnosis And Treatment For Surgical Disease)) , gave the statement about the features of disease syndrome ,the common diseases and the principle of differentiation of syndromes ,and developed some prescription to the Yin-type carbuncles .It is a pity that the doctors of TCM did not attached importance to the Wang's statement .So there were little monographs about the Yin-type carbuncles ,many documents about Yin-type carbuncles only can be obtained in some general medical works. There are no definite concept and category about this type disease. With the development of society and science , especially the comprehensive usage of antibiotics in recent years , the Yang-type carbuncles are not the crucial disease ,but the Yin-type carbuncles ,such as malignant tumor, special infection, perivascular diseases etc, are always the main diseases which endanger the human health and shrivel the doctors of TCM and the Western. The embedded research and the therapy experience are very important to the treatment of this type disease. In this article, the documental ffles are neatened and researched in-depth on the base of 100 ancient TCM related documents and 300 contemporary related documents. And the author try to define the basic concept, category of disease syndromes, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic syndromes, treatment principles and prescription based on the ancient experiences and to bring forward my own viewpoints about the yin--type carbuncles. On my point, the Yin-type carbuncles are defined as surgical Yin-type sores mainly manifested deficient and cold syndrome, included these kinds diseases: Suppurative osteomyelitis, Gangrene, Tuberculosis of lymphnode, Tuberculosis of bones arid joints, Multiple abscesses, Mammary masses, Goiter, Cancer, sinus, Chronic ulcer of low extremity etc. The Yin-type carbuncles are due to endogenous seven emotional frustrations, the six exogenous pathogens or dietary irregularity on the base of Yang-deficient and deficiency of qi-blood. The stagnation of cold and phlegm, qi and blood can produce Ym" oxity which damage Zang-fu, tendons and bones. The clinic features are: 1 .Toxic materials lodge in Yin aspect such as muscles, tendons, bones and bowels. 2. in early stage ,mainly manifested as no change of color, less pain, local and not well-demarcated swelling. 3. The bumps may be hard or soft as cotton, unmovable. 4. It is a longer course, manifested as not liable to pus formation or pus formation in the later stage but not liable to be ruptured. 5.or manifested as unhealed carbuncles after rupture with thin purulent bloody discharge, or with toxic materials, or with septic materials. The unheale...
Keywords/Search Tags:Ym-type carbuncles, document, etiology, pathogensis, the treatment of differentiation syndromes, prescription, herbal
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