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Demar Gershe Dentsen Phenthok's Pharmaceutical Achievements And Study On Value Of Jindru Bencao

Posted on:2013-01-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B D Z LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114330371474401Subject:National Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dernar Dentsen Phenthok is a great scientist in the Qing dynasty. He had studied the Tibetan medicine, astrology, Buddhism, handicrafts and many fields in Tibetan science and he. had got great achievements on them. Therefore, he became one of the famous scientists in the world. However, there are few records about him. There is no conclusive evidence on his birth date, disciples, scientific word choice. Since he is regarded as a great master in traditionally medicine, it is important to textual research into his deeds. I have based on his works and collected and sorted out important information on him. I have been to his hometown and found out proofs of his birth date and deeds.Demar Dentsen Phenthok had left us many precious works, china and Thangka. Among them Jindru Bencao is the most important. It is regarded as a classic by successive Tibetan medical stuffs. It has been studying by us. Its scientific value is regarded as important as Four Tantras. I have studied on it according to historical records, pharmaceutical facts.There are three chapters in my assay. I have given detailed discussion on Demar Dentsen Phenthok's pharmaceutical achievements and Jindru Bencao's scientific features. In the first chapter, I mainly discussed his life story, birth date and his achievements on Tibetan medicine. In the second chapter, I discussed on Demar Dentsen Phenthok's pharmaceutical achievements and I have summed up his achievements on basic theory in Tibetan medicine, practical theory on Tibetan medicine, and process on how to make Tibetan medicines. In the third chapter, I have systematically studied on the date and cause of Jindru Bencao, its features and influences on Tibetan pharmaceutical study.In present, there are some assay have studied on this field. However, most of them are very simple research. I have made no efforts on it. I have got great evidences by visiting his hometown and studying historical Tibetan medical works.In a word, I hope to sum up Demar Dentsen Phenthok's pharmaceutical achievements and contents of Jindru Bencao. However, due to my own poor knowledge lever and limit time, I haven't studied thoroughly on many points. So this essay is only a beginning job to a future research. I hope this essay can help making progress to Tibetan medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Demar Dentsen Phenthok, scientific achievements, Jindru Bencao scientific value
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