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Visualization Analysis Of China Archival Academic

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330485968568Subject:Archival science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Archives work in our country has a long history, but Archives was born in the 1930s as an independent discipline. It had a brief early development, and came into a new period of development after the founding, and then the scope of business activities from the previous lessons learned up to the theoretical issues of Archives. After the reform and opening up to the late 20th century, a period of recovery and gradually prosperity, during which achievements made were great that other period in history can’t match, archives enterprise, archives, archives theory and archives education had a large advancement and promotion. In the 21st century, with the progress of society, the rapid development of politics, economy, culture, new technologies and new ideas emerge, archives have entered a new period of reform and transition. In the network & information age, archives research show new features, and it entered the era of electronic document management.Compared to other historic mature discipline, archives is undoubtedly young, but more than 80 years of development shows that archives of continuous innovation, breakthrough and leap was generated from sprout to the creation, from young to grow, from immature to mature, and now finally stands in the social sciences of the forest. With the deepening development of archives cause and archival work, new issues are continually raised, the research must achieve unity and integration of theory and practice, in order to maintain the vitality and enduring creativity.Subject visualization is a new research method rising in recent years, it is a relatively short time in the domestic development from abroad, mainly been applied in the field of library and information science, management, education, sports, economics, statistics, etc. Application in terms of archives began in 2010, using relevant software to visualize data from information to knowledge, through information visualization technology to achieve knowledge visualization.This paper research on the academics in 8 archives core periodicals from 2000 to 2014. After a brief summary on the existent literature and theory, it introduces the research approaches and the structure of the article, and carry on the data collection, to sorts the typical research results in the 15-year period. Then process the data to have an analysis on the subjects and objects of research by means of the software, and draw the appropriate form and map, to find the main content and hot frontier of archives in this period, as well as summarize the characteristics and problems of archives research from information above, expand a rational thinking about the development of archives in the future, and come up with relevant measures in order to provide a reference for future research. Finally, point out the lack of research, put forward the prospects in the future, hope this study can effectively improve in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Archives, Research Status, Visualization, Citespace, Core periodical
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