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Tv Entertainment: Popular Culture, A Discourse Form,

Posted on:2009-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S GuanFull Text:PDF
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Chinese television entertainment programs have already become main contributor to television audience rating recently , not only whose portion of market rises year by year , but also the competition for it among television medias are more fierce too. However, the current Chinese television entertainment programs are in an awkward dilemma : on the one hand, television entertainment programs meet the growing needs for audiences' entertainment and leisure with increasing,various,rich content, thereby even became the important content of their daily cultural practce, so that they are approved and welcomed by more and more audience ;on the other hand , television entertainment programes are criticized by all walks of life for lack of cultural connotation and innovative idea deficiency. This article belive that television entertainment programs are resulted from many synthetical factors acting each other, such as, developed television technology, changed intermediary accomplishment of audience, innovated idea of television program production, the masses society in the first step, the more notabale character of media industry and the changes of social culture mentality, etc.Under this background, various cultural criticizes to television entertainment programs, in fact, are the people ' s different understandings and expiation to their different problems on the progress.The author, basic in the hypothesis that the television entertainment programs are one kind of form of mass cultural discourses, try to analyse various paradoxes existing among television entertainment programs in order to deeply understand this type of television program through the interrelation between the mass cultural characteristics of television entertainment program and the cultural significance of television entertainment programs to audience.
Keywords/Search Tags:television entertainment program, mass culture, audience, cultural industry, mass text
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