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Design And Implementation Of Credit Management System Based On Micro-frontends

Posted on:2022-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306773996459Subject:Enterprise Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the evolution of science and technology,the sharp development of Internet finance has been driven,and all kinds of capital are rushing into this field.In late years,with the consecutive rise of the earnings level of Chinese residents,the consumption concept has changed from the original only seeking food and clothing to focusing on experience,enjoyment and development.The consumer finance market still has huge development potential and infinite possibilities.Various consumer credit apps are emerging one after another,with more and more comprehensive functions.Simultaneously,for adapting to the speedy iteration of demand,the credit management system has become more and more large and bloated.This not only causes the development,packaging and compiling take too long,which Influences the productivity of development,but also causes the page to load slowly and the white screen time is too long,which affects the user experience.This treatise applies the back-end microservice concept to front-end applications,and proposes a micro-front-end transformation scheme.Splitting and reorganizing the existing credit management system,turning a single-page application into an implementation method of aggregation of multiple subsystem applications,reducing page loading time and improving user experience without changing user access habits.The core research work of this treatise:For one thing,improve the performance of the front-end development framework Vue,research and optimize the DOMDiff algorithm of the Vue framework,introduce the concept of the longest ascending subsequence,and determine whether the real DOM node needs to be operated by judging whether the child node is in the longest ascending subsequence.Minimize the number of real DOM operations,reduce the overhead of DOM operations to a certain extent,improve the performance of the DOMDiff algorithm,and apply the performance-optimized Vue framework to the development of the credit management system to improve the page response speed of the credit management system;For another,apply the micro-front-end concept to The credit management system divides the gradually bloated single-page application system into multiple sub-application systems according to business logic,using data isolation between businesses to reduce frequent data communication between subsystems,business involves the whole process of credit "before loan","on loan" and "after loan".Using Icestark,a micro front-end framework,solves the registration,communication,routing matching and construction and deployment of subsystem applications,and finally aggregates all subsystem application systems into a complete application.At the end of the treatise,testing system after reforming,and the test results show good performance in all aspects.Therefore,the micro-frontend transformation scheme proposed in this paper has certain reference significance for some complex single-page applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Credit system, Micro frontend, Icestark, diff algorithm
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