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Design And Implementation Of Curriculum Learning System Based On Knowledge Graph

Posted on:2022-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306488960379Subject:Education Technology
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With the development of information technology,education informatization makes learners have more choices in their learning style,which changes from traditional classroom learning to online learning.Learners can choose the learning resources they want from the Internet according to their interests and actual needs.However,the wide range of resources,various forms and uneven contents in the Internet lead to the confusion of learners in choosing resources.At the same time,these resources just simply copy some traditional learning methods,learning contents and teaching contents into the Internet,or transform the traditional form into the form of media,making the content more vivid,specific and objective.But there is not much difference in the form and the way of thinking.In order to make learners effectively and accurately grasp the learning content.This study uses knowledge graph technology to manage knowledge,analyzes and studies the knowledge in the course through knowledge graph technology,digs out various relationships between knowledge points,and stores and displays the existing relationships with visual technology.Using knowledge graph technology to card,construct and show the internal relationship between knowledge points in the course.Learners can thoroughly observe and analyze the internal relationship between knowledge points in the learning process,and form their own curriculum knowledge structure system,so as to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the course content.In this paper,knowledge graph technology is used to dig out and analyze the relationship between knowledge points,build the Curriculum Knowledge Graph of "University Computer Foundation",and an online learning system is designed and implemented.With visualization technology,the original,complex,scattered and irregular knowledge system is clearly presented to people,so that learners can intuitively see the internal relationship between knowledge points,and help learners to construct knowledge system and improve learning efficiency.The main work of this paper is as follows:(1)The acquisition of course knowledge content.In this paper,the content of the course knowledge is mainly based on the second edition of "University's Computer Foundation" textbook used by "Yunnan Vocational and Technical College of Communications",which is edited by Zhang Hongming,Chen Huan,Liu Yuju and breqin,and the data collection is adjusted according to the syllabus of this course.In the process of collection,Jieba Library Based on Python language carries out word segmentation and part of speech tagging on the text,removes stop words and some useless punctuation marks.At the same time,in order to improve the accuracy of word segmentation,a dictionary of "computer professional words" is added in combination with Sogou cell thesaurus in the process of word segmentation,which lays the foundation for the extraction of knowledge points in subsequent courses.(2)Research on the construction of Curriculum Knowledge Graph.Firstly,concept words of the course are extracted based on Text Rank algorithm and TF-IDF algorithm,then the words extracted by the two algorithms are analyzed,compared and integrated,and the words with high weight and common words are selected as the candidate words of course knowledge points.Secondly,the relations existing in the content of the course are extracted by combining the two methods of relation extraction of rule and dependent syntactic structure analysis.Finally,the relationship between concept words and concept words is stored Neo4 j graph database,and the Curriculum Knowledge Graph is constructed.(3)The development of online learning system.Considering of the demand analysis and research of practical problems,a learning system based on B / S(Browser / server)architecture is developed.The system realizes the modules of user registration,login,visual interface of Curriculum Knowledge Graph,knowledge retrieval and online test,which is convenient for students to quickly understand their learning situation and make corresponding adjustments to the existing deficiencies.In this paper,the Curriculum Knowledge Graph technology is used to dig out and discover the relationship between the knowledge points of the course,construct the Curriculum Knowledge Graph,and show the knowledge content of the course to the learners in the form of visualization,so that the learners can clearly and intuitively see the relationship between the knowledge points.It also help the learners quickly build their own knowledge system,and improve the learning efficiency.Curriculum Knowledge Graph as a new research hotspot,compared with other fields,the application in the field of education is relatively less,but with the deepening of research,technology will become more mature,in the future,knowledge graph technology will bring a new side to education,and bring better development for the field of education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge graph, education informatization, online learning system, design and implementation
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