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Bao Tianxiao's Thought Research On News

Posted on:2019-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
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As a journalist of novelist in modern China,Bao Tianxiao was not only known as a popular novelist,but also a famous journalist who had been trained in the newspapers during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.From the founding of Lixue Yibian in 1901 until his appointment to Lih Pao(Li Bao)in 1936,he worked in the press for a total of thirty-six years.Decades of experience in journalistic career have given him a unique insight into journalism.Bao believed that journalism should progress at any time and be rationally connected.On the premise that other social undertakings should accompany each other,the two should unite to show the progressive images of journalism through the practice of newspapers.He pointed out that the function of newspapers and periodicals lies in opening up the atmosphere and guiding the national people on the one hand,and on the other hand,it represents public opinion and supervises the government.Bao said that if the journalist wants to improve his attainment,he should first of all be morally conscientious and not to foul his character,then pay attention to the two-way knowledge of extensive knowledge and practice to make newspapers practice handy,calm and orderly.Moreover,Bao's literary editing concepts,which he summed up from his years of experience in editing literary newspapers and periodicals,even showed us the spirit of literary and art newspapers that aimed at the market and sought for interests during the Republic of China.In the course of editing literary newspapers and periodicals,Bao highlighted the pursuit of interest,through the use of the overall planning,the grand view of graphic and text,concerted efforts,absorbed words and other editing techniques,he tried to show readers a comprehensive,focused,vivid and magnificent feast.In the reader's standpoint,he hoped the interest to be more generous and more prosperous,and pay close attention to current events.Due to the social perspective of affixes,the interest of literary and art newspapers will be sublimated.In the research on Bao Tianxiao,it is the literary level that occupies the dominant position,and the research carried out from the perspective of journalism is rather inadequate.Therefore,studying Bao's journalism activities,discourse and thoughts is of great importance to enriching the study of journalism history in modern China.This paper first sorts out the journalistic activities of Bao Tianxiao's life,which are mainly divided into the period of "New figure runs a newspaper",the period of "Make a living in the newspaper",the period of "From the deputy to the principal" and the period of "Stop at the‘small'newspaper".The first chapter gives a detailed account of these four periods,trying hard to fully present the main experience of Bao 's journalistic activities and the general context of his journalism thoughts.The second chapter is the key section of the full text,which mainly discusses the dominant contents of Bao's journalism thoughts,including the literary and art editing concepts,the journalism undertaking concepts,the concepts of newspapers and magazines's functions and the concepts of journalists' attainment.Among them,the literary and art editing concepts is the core content of Bao's journalism thoughts,the journalism undertaking concept embodies the overall thinking of developing and expanding journalism,the concepts of newspapers and magazines's functions reveals the essential attributes and patriotic love in the press,embodying Bao's journalism ideal,while the concepts of journalists' attainment remind them of the moral and intellectual means they should adopt to improve their attainment.The third chapter emphatically explores the origins and backgrounds of Bao's journalism thoughts,which is discussed from three aspects:the trainment from family education in his teen years,the influence of China's journalism environment and the agitation of Japanese press concept.To sum up,through three chapters' gradual discussion,portraying a unique track of Bao Tianxiao in the development course of modern journalism in China,this paper hopes to give a more concrete,systematic and overall understanding of Bao Tianxiao's journalism activities and journalism thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bao Tianxiao, Journalism Thoughts, Journalist of Novelist, Eastern Times(Shi Bao), The Crystal(Jing Bao), A Little Note of Investigating the Japanese Journalism(Kaocha Riben Xinwen Jilüe)
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