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A Study On The Impact Of PE High School Entrance Examination Reform On PE Teaching In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2022-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306761990799Subject:Archiving and Museum
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In recent years,the country has issued a series of policies about sports,to promote the development of school physical education,to a large extent influence the sports examination test is an effective method,can promote the development of students' physique and physical fitness Plays an important role in the school sports,therefore,to carry out the reform of physical examination to the middle school sports teaching effect is very necessary In recent years,the physical health of teenagers is not optimistic,obesity,myopia,speed endurance,flexibility,strength and other indicators are in a state of decline.Therefore,in the next few years,the development of a set of sound junior high school sports examination system is the current top priority.In this paper,the influence of middle school physical education reform on jianhu County junior high school physical education teaching as the research object,jianhu County middle school physical education reform as the entry point,through the literature method expert interview method questionnaire survey Mathematical statistics and logic analysis and other research methods,the jianhu 30 of 5 junior high school physical education teachers and 750 students of physical examination reform to study the influence of physical education teaching,research and analysis on junior middle school sports teaching of physical examination reform,trying to explore jianhu county junior high school physical education in the reality of the existence of dilemma,and put forward to The optimization strategy aims to provide a certain theoretical basis for the development of junior middle school physical education in Jianhu County,and promote the in-depth development of school physical education.(1)The influence of the reform of physical education examination on teachers: most of the physical education teachers in Jianhu County have a detailed understanding of the relevant regulations and policy requirements of the physical education examination,and their recognition of the achievement items and assessment methods after the reform of physical education examination in the middle school has been further improved.(2)The influence of the reform on students: students' attention to sports and their understanding of the sports examination have been improved;The purpose and content of students' physical exercise tend to take an examination in physical education.(3)Influence of sports examination reform on school sports equipment and facilities:with the increase of school's attention to sports examination,most schools have increased their investment in sports equipment and facilities,and replaced or renovated the equipment and facilities in the past.(4)The e influence of the reform of the physical education examination on the teaching content: the teaching content and teaching objectives are affected by the "exam-oriented",the majority of the teaching content selected by the physical education teacher is still related to the content of the physical education examination,but the content of the course is very thin and lack of comprehensive;The teaching objective is only to improve the performance of sports skills related to the content of the physical education examination.(5)The influence of physical education examination reform on teaching methods:Jianhu county physical education teachers in teaching means means of diversification,most of the physical education teachers can according to the actual situation and the needs of the examination,using more scientific teaching methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Physical education in high school entrance examination, Reform, Ju nior high school, Physical education teaching, Influence
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