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Research On The Current Situation And Countermeasures Of After-school Football Training In Primary Schools In Wuchang District,Wuhan

Posted on:2022-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306749451834Subject:Master of Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the eighteen Party's Congress,the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has set the agenda for revitalizing football as a major task in developing sports and building a sports power,and has made a series of decisions and plans for the reform of campus football.After a period of development,the volume of campus football in China has begun to take shape,but the effect of after-school sports training,as an important part of school sports,is not good,which restricts the promotion of football and the cultivation of reserve talents.Through the investigation and analysis of the development of football after-school training in 10 primary schools in Wuchang District,this study finds out the shortcomings of the development of after-school training and the factors affecting the development of training,and puts forward targeted suggestions according to the actual situation,so as to contribute to the better development of campus football in Wuchang District and the cultivation of football reserve talents in China.Using the method of literature,this paper summarizes and combs the relevant literature on school after-school sports training and the development of campus football.Through the method of expert interview,understand the real situation of campus football development and formulate relevant questionnaires.By sorting and analyzing the questionnaires of football coaches,students,parents and sports principals in primary schools in Wuchang District,the following conclusions are drawn:1.The age and educational structure of primary school football coaches in Wuchang district are reasonable,but most teachers have insufficient experience,weak scientific research ability and low sports level.The high-quality development of football needs to introduce high-level professional coaches and strengthen relevant training for existing coaches.2.The proportion of male and female players participating in football after-school training in primary schools in Wuchang district is uneven.Most students have a positive attitude towards the study of cultural courses.The main reason why they participate in after-school training is their own interests,which shows that parents and schools respect students' individual development.3.The length of after-school football training in primary schools in Wuchang district is relatively reasonable.The training times of each school are moderate every week,and the training contents are mainly technology,tactics and physical fitness.Most coaches have made training plans,but the implementation of the plans is uneven.All schools participate in the competitions inside and outside the school,and there is a certain gap in the participation.4.The football field facilities of some schools in Wuchang district are old,and the training related equipment is insufficient,which can not serve the after-school training well.School funds mainly come from government grants,and most school physical education principals said they were short of funds.Primary schools have established mechanisms related to football training,but the mechanism is not perfect.5.Students think that the number of football competitions is too small to meet the needs.Coaches believe that relevant leaders should pay more attention to campus football and increase corresponding training subsidies.Parents' attitude towards football after-school training has some doubts,which is mainly reflected in their less understanding of the development of campus football.Based on the analysis of the development of after-school football training in primary schools in Wuchang District,combined with the actual situation of primary schools in Wuchang District,the following suggestions are put forward:1.Strengthen the construction of teaching staff.Encourage physical education teachers to participate in further study and further study,so that coaches have the opportunity to accept advanced learning concepts and training methods.At the same time,the school should reform and innovate,adopt a diversified talent introduction mechanism,and absorb football professionals through school enterprise cooperation,school school cooperation and other forms.2.Athletes are the main participants in after-school training.Understanding athletes' motivation is conducive to mastering athletes' ideas,so as to adjust training,make better decisions and improve training quality.3.The main body of after-school training is the coach,which directly determines the effect of after-school training.The school should improve the training related system so that the coach can carry out training scientifically.At the same time,we should provide corresponding subsidies for coach training,so as to ensure better training and improve training quality.4.Improve organizational structure and system planning.Each school should establish a campus football leading group,formulate a campus football development plan in line with the school,and explore a new way to solve the contradiction between learning and training.At the same time,continue to strengthen the construction of training and competition system,and improve the teacher incentive and continuing education and training system.5.The school should deeply understand the needs of students,teachers and coaches,so as to ensure the smooth implementation of after-school training,and strengthen the publicity of campus football culture.Through various forms of activities,let students feel the charm of football and let parents know more about football.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wuchang District, primary school, After school football training, Research on current situation and Countermeasures
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