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Teaching For The Sake Of Learning:A Study Of The Wit Of "Letting Learning" Teaching By Primary School Chinese Teachers

Posted on:2022-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306536986259Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“letting learning” learning wit in Chinese teaching of Primary school,which means teachers should properly "leave" time and space for students to study independently in the teaching process.Through the appropriate reduction of teaching to promote more learning,let students take the responsibility of learning,master the main position of learning.The new curriculum standard also advocates paying attention to the teaching of students' subjectivity,so "letting learning" in class is the inevitable requirement of the new curriculum ethos.Teacher who has the “letting learning” learning wit are focus on the development of each student's personality.Leave the class time and space to students to explore and discover.Students can continuously accumulate knowledge on the basis of their own ability,change from quantity to quality,and internalize knowledge into ability.Therefore,teachers should accurately grasp and develop the characteristics of the Chinese subject,make useful of the teaching wit of "letting learning" to let students learn Chinese actively and enjoy Chinese."letting learning" teaching wit can make the Chinese classroom more open and democratic,it also can break the traditional teaching mode “one voice” of teachers and cleverly weaken teachers' "authority" rather than "guidance",finally achieve the optimization of Chinese teaching effect.In this paper,which is divided into five parts.The first chapter is introduction,on the basis of summarizing the previous research(Relevant theoretical research results at home and abroad),elaborated the research train of thought,method and innovation points;The second chapter is the theoretical basis and value orientation of “letting learning” learning wit in Primary school,summarize teaching wit and "letting learning" related theories to lay the theoretical foundation for this paper.It is concluded that primary school teachers should have important consciousness,such as: emphasizing students' subjective initiative,levels of understanding,interaction,reflection and so on;The third chapter mainly introduces the investigation of this research.Through the combination of questionnaires and interviews with teachers,this paper analyzes the basic teaching activities and classroom teaching status in primary schools,analyzes the existing problems,and finds corresponding solutions according to the problems.Chapter four is based on the results of the above investigation,combined with the physical and mental development characteristics of primary school students and learning center theory,non-instructional teaching theory,in-depth teaching and other related theories to construct the best“letting learning”education system,which suitable for primary school students to learn Chinese and improve the current situation of primary school classroom teaching.The real teaching wit of "letting learning" is student-centered(foothold),rather than fake wit for the purpose of teaching(nature).It can generate and optimize teachers' teaching behaviors in different teaching situations(situationality)with the help of teaching resources and classes(practical and innovative),which has a positive impact on students,adjust classroom atmosphere and improve classroom teaching efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:“letting learning”, teaching wit, Primary school Chinese teaching, The classroom construction
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