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Research On The Development Of Data Analysis Literacy Of Senior High School Students

Posted on:2022-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306530499404Subject:Mathematics education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The era of big data needs talents with data analysis literacy,and the data analysis literacy of students has an important influence on the formation of a data literacy society.One of the six core mathematics literacy stipulated by the high school mathematics curriculum standards in my country is data analysis literacy,which puts forward higher requirements for students' data analysis literacy.However,the performance of Chinese students in the data analysis literacy test is not good,and there are few researches on the development of data analysis literacy of high school students in my country,so it is of great significance to study the development of data analysis literacy of high school students of different grades.This study first studied the literature to define the connotation of data analysis literacy,constructed a data analysis literacy level evaluation framework for high school students,compiled a data analysis literacy level test paper for high school students based on the evaluation framework,and then used measurement tools to test and investigate high school students.Results The overall data analysis literacy of high school students and the development of each evaluation dimension and existing problems were analyzed,and the following conclusions were obtained:(1)The evaluation framework of data analysis literacy level of high school students includes 3 first-level dimensions and 7 second-level dimensions,namely: data perception,data processing and expression(including 5 second-level dimensions,namely: data collection,data sorting,Data description,data interpretation,data inference),data questioning.And divide each dimension into 4 levels,namely level 0,level 1,level 2,and level 3.(2)The average total score of high school students' test papers is 48.93%,which shows that the overall performance of high school students' data analysis literacy is not satisfactory.7.81% of high school students at the overall level of data analysis literacy are 7.81%,level 1 is 31.56%,level 2 is 50.94%,and level 3 is 9.69%,indicating that only a small number of high school students have almost no data analysis literacy,and most high school students have There are only a few high school students with certain data analysis literacy and very high literacy.Specifically,most high school students have high literacy in the three dimensions of "data perception","data collection" and "data arrangement";the performance of the dimension "data description" is moderate,and most high school students have average data description literacy;Most high school students have low literacy in the three dimensions of "data interpretation","data inference" and "data questioning".(3)The average scoring rate of senior one is 40.93%,senior two is 47.87%,senior three is 57.70%,and the average scoring rate increases with the increase of grades,indicating that the overall performance of data analysis literacy of each grade is different,and the performance of senior students is better.In the lower grades.Different grades have different proportions of students at each overall level.85.85% of high school students reach level 1,93.33% of high school two,and 97.25% of high school three,indicating that there are differences in the level of data analysis literacy of high school students.Specifically,Grade One and Grade Two perform similarly in the three dimensions of "data perception","data interpretation",and "data questioning";Grade One's performance in the two dimensions of "data collection" and "data description" is not as good as that of Grade Two;except In the dimension "data collection",the performance of senior three is similar to that of senior two,and the performance of senior three in the other dimensions is better than the other two grades.(4)The results of the difference test show that there are significant differences in the data analysis literacy of high school students between grades,and the data analysis literacy of high school students has been significantly improved as the grade increases.A one-way analysis of variance was performed with the total score as the test variable.The difference test results showed that the test paper scores have significant grade differences.The first grade is significantly smaller than the second and third grades,and the second grade is also significantly smaller than the third grade.A one-way analysis of variance with the overall level as the test variable found that the overall level of data analysis literacy has significant grade differences.Although the difference between the first and second grades is not significant,the overall level of the first and second grades is significantly lower than that of the third grade.This also shows from one aspect that the data analysis literacy of high school students is improved with the development of grades,but it takes time to develop the data analysis literacy of high school students.(5)The main problems of high school students in data analysis are:(1)only have basic data analysis awareness,and the data analysis process is incomplete;(2)lack of attention to multi-angle and multi-method processing and expression of data;(3)lack of reasonable doubts and reasoning based on data Ability.In view of the problems of high school students in the process of data analysis,this research puts forward the following suggestions for cultivating high school students' data analysis literacy:(1)Strengthen the understanding of concepts and emphasize the essence of knowledge;(2)Let students go through the whole process of data analysis in case teaching;(3)Reasonably use computer and information technology;(4)Pay attention to the realistic background and contextuality of data analysis problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school students, Data analysis literacy, Development Research, Measurement and evaluation
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