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Research On The Experimental Teaching Of Classical Poetry In High School Chinese Class

Posted on:2022-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306476987379Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese nation has a long history and a profound traditional culture,which is dazzling in the starry sky of human civilization.The classical poetry carries the mostessence of Chinese traditional culture and is also an important content of Chinese teaching in senior high schools.The study of classical poetry will not only make the high school students' cultural accumulation more profound,literature vision more open,but also can improve the students' image-thinking,Aestheticappreciation and other abilities,but also conducive to the cultivation of students' core quality,for the students' all-round development,lifelong development to lay a good and solid foundation.However,due to the long-term influence of exam-oriented education,there are some drawbacks and limitations in the teaching practice of high school Chinese classical poetry.This,to some extent,affects students' enthusiasm for learning,weakens their love for classical poetry,and hinders their inheritance of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.With the advancement of basic education curriculum reform and the revision and implementation of the New Curriculum Standards for Senior High School Chinese,the new teaching form of experiential teaching has gradually entered the field of vision of the majority of educators and attracted wide attention of people.The Chinese classroom using experiential teaching method is student-oriented,so that students are in the dominant position,so that students can actively mobilize their own emotional experience,explore the text,experience the text,and communicate with teachers,so as to construct knowledge and realize the all-round development of personal quality.Experience type teaching method can guide students to active thinking,make students be willing to listen,speak,begin,with his own body and mind to the practical experience,use your heart to really feeling,in the immersive training and improve the ability to analyze and solve problems,so as to better understand the world,further in-depth comprehension,thought,life,in turn,improve the comprehensive quality of the language,stimulate vitality life,get a higher level of aesthetic edification and life feeling,to perfect the inner need of life.This requests us in the process of teaching of classical poetry reading,we should not only pay attention to the teacher and the text dialogue between students and text,but should pay attention to the communication between teachers and students,between students and students,teachers and students at the same time as the reader and the text dialogue,to interpret the text,and in this process,teachers and students,strengthen the communication between students and students,realize the diversity of the text knowledge construct together.This paper is to study the application of this teaching pattern in the teaching of high school Chinese classical poetry.This paper is composed of introduction,three chapters and conclusion.This paper first elaborates from the theoretical level,defines the concept of experiential teaching,discusses the theoretical basis and basic characteristics of experiential teaching,and discusses the goal of experiential teaching of high school Chinese classical poetry.Then,from the practical aspect,it discusses the basic principles and specific implementation strategies of the experiential teaching of high school Chinese classical poetry.Among them,from the situation,taste language,play a role,is introduced to ask from eight aspects,such as reading,language to describe what is a typical example in the teaching practice are analyzed in detail using more widely operable eight kinds of implementation of the strategy,and shows the typical cases,the implementation of the strategy in teaching practice,the application of the discussed,in order to give you more classical poetry teaching practice to provide some reference.Finally,this paper reflects on the experiential teaching of high school Chinese classical poetry,especially analyzes the problems existing in the practice of this teaching method,and puts forward some suggestions.I hope that my thoughts can bring some inspiration to the teaching of classical poetry for the majority of first-line high school Chinese teachers.I also hope to communicate with you,to explore the study of classical poetry for students in high school,and to make my own contribution to the comprehensive improvement of students' ability and the real cultivation of their core qualities!...
Keywords/Search Tags:high school Chinese, classical poetry, experiential teaching
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