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Classroom Management Implementation Of Teachers In Rural Junior High School In Ordos:An Assessment

Posted on:2021-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306119950739Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural compulsory education has been one of the most basic yet weakest part of China's educational development.Hence,improving rural education is not only the key to achieve rural revitalization,but it can also boost China's educational system.For the past few years,the teaching and learning facilities have shown great improvements in rural schools because the government has given serious attention to them.However,teachers' proficiency in the technical competencies of teaching and managing has remained unrefined especially in some western rural areas like Ordos.The city's educational system shows that it is lagging behind in terms of teaching standards in recent years.As an important component of teacher's professional skills,classroom management can help the teachers to keep students organized,attentive,focused,and as a result,become academically productive.Teachers enhanced competence and proficiency will ultimately upgrade the quality of education.Moreover,assessing teachers' classroom management implementation on rural schools will help to find out other teaching inadequacies and accordingly give some useful advise to ameliorate the current situation to better serve the students in that locality.Improved technical management should be seamless.Teachers are supposed to carry through the student-oriented teaching principle to show humanist concern.Therefore,this research will be on the basis of humanist theories and adopt both theoretical and empirical study as research methods.This research investigates three typical rural junior high schools in order to get a comprehensive assessment of the overall performance of teachers' classroom management implementation and try to discover the current inadequacies of the teachers in Ordos.Further investigation will then convey the factors which can influence the teachers' classroom management efficiency.Likewise,the research willprovide suggestions accordingly by drawing from the principles of humanistic management theory and humanistic psychology.The result of the overall performance of teachers' classroom management ability on rural junior high school in Ordos shows that it needs categorical improvements in some of these existing inadequacies.First,teachers' unfair treatment of their students in terms of proper allocation of their learning resources.Second,teachers' overemphasis on the institutional constraints rather than enhancement of students' self-discipline and resourcefulness.Third,teachers' failure to note the effects of role models produced by their own behavior.Fourth,teachers' emphasis more on the content of courses ignoring the fun of class teaching.The research findings are based on factors garnered from the views of teachers,schools,students,students' families and rural society through further investigation.Consequently,the research arrived at this suggestion;that rural teachers should improve themselves on the following points:(i)improve their professional ethics;(ii)apply different approaches in managing students based on individual differences.(iii)move from the role of manager to instructor;(iv)enliven the atmosphere of the whole class.Meanwhile the schools,society,students and their families should cooperate with teachers to better manage classes.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural schools, junior high school teachers, classroom management competence, promote strategies
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