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Research On The Detection Of Problem-solving And Thinking Disorders In Junior Three Students And The Intervention Of Students With Learning Difficulties

Posted on:2021-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306041455214Subject:Curriculum and teaching theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the perspective of the examination questions of the past years,the comprehensiveness and innovation of the question of the circle have been enhanced year by year,focusing on the students' mathematical thinking ability.To overcome the problem of circle is not only the headache for students with learning difficulties,but also the key to get high marks for students with learning disabilities.There must be a thinking process in the process of solving any specific problem.To solve a round problem,not only a solid foundation knowledge,but also flexible thinking.If there are thinking obstacles in the process of solving the problem,it will affect the process and result of solving the problem and lead to failure of solving the problem.Under the guidance of cognitive psychology and information processing theory,this paper examines the thinking obstacles of junior high school students in the process of solving the problem of circle,analyzes the causes of these thinking obstacles,and puts forward the Teaching Countermeasures of weakening the thinking obstacles of solving the problem of circle In the end,the intervention research on the problem-solving thinking obstacle of the students with learning difficulties is carried out,and the result has certain effect.Considering the problem-solving modes,we divide the problem-solving process of circle into four stages:problem representation stage,problem-solving method stage,problem-solving scheme stage and problem-solving result stage.In each stage,the paper expounds the seven main types of thinking obstacles of solving problems in Mathematics in the process of solving problems with examples,which are the thinking obstacles of solving problems in narrow sense,information understanding,objective,selective,flexibility,organization and reflection Problem thinking disorder.According to the test results of circle's problem-solving thinking disorder,students' circle's problem-solving process generally has thinking disorder.Compared with students with learning difficulties,boys and girls,it is found that there are obvious differences in the frequency and proportion of thinking disorder between students with learning difficulties and students with learning difficulties.The frequency of thinking disorder of students with learning difficulties is 6.3 times higher than that of students with learning difficulties,which shows that circle's problem differentiation is large.In the process of solving round problems,the top three obstacles of mathematical thinking are selective problem solving,flexible problem solving and reflective problem solving.The top three obstacles are flexible problem solving,selective problem solving and organizational problem solving.There are also differences in the types of round problem-solving thinking obstacles between male and female students.The top three are only selective thinking obstacles.Through interviews with students and teachers,students and teachers believe that the problem of circle is difficult and comprehensive,and there are difficulties in Teachers'teaching and students' learning.Through the intervention teaching to the students with learning difficulties,the results of the experimental group and the control group are compared and analyzed.It is concluded that the intervention teaching has a certain role in promoting the performance of the students with learning difficulties.The thinking obstacles of students with learning difficulties in solving the round problems can be weakened through certain intervention teaching.According to the test results,interview records,relevant theoretical knowledge and their own teaching practice experience,the author analyzes the causes of the problem-solving obstacles of students' circle,and puts forward the Teaching Countermeasures of weakening the thinking obstacles in the problem-solving of circle.In the process of solving the problem of circle,the main reasons of thinking obstacle of junior high school students are lack of basic knowledge,imperfect cognitive structure,affected by negative emotions and mentality,poor reading comprehension ability,poor mathematical language transformation ability,lack of mathematical problem-solving strategies,negative transfer interference of knowledge,negative influence of thinking set,poor thinking divergent ability and weak metacognitive ability.This paper puts forward some teaching countermeasures:first of all,strengthen the teaching of mathematical concepts in the classroom to help students improve the knowledge structure of circle;second,explain the problems in depth;explain the necessary round problem-solving strategies to students;carry out two-way thinking training to students regularly;encourage students to solve more than one problem and cultivate students'divergent thinking ability;pay attention to improving learning in ordinary teaching It takes a long time for students to improve their ability of reading comprehension,metacognitive learning and problem-solving reflection.In addition,it can help students with their emotional strategies on a regular basis to relieve their anxiety and fear of difficulty in solving problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ninth grade students, The problem of circle, thinking disability, intervention resear, teaching countermeasures
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