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Research On The Management Of Floating Population In Lhasa

Posted on:2017-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516304841977189Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With growing state financial investment in Tibet Autonomous Region,the transfer of capital and industry from developed heartland to Lhasa as well as the construction of large projects like Sichuan-Tibet Railway,new Highway 318 and Zangmu Dam,Lhasa,an ancient city with a history of over a thousand years,has enjoyed a rapid urbanization and become a sanctuary where floating population gather.The big influx of floating population has not only fueled the development and economic prosperity of Lhasa as well as the economic and cultural exchanges between the city and inland regions,but also strained the fragile social and ecological environment and posed a daunting challenge to the management of floating population in Lhasa.There have been lots of researches and discussion by experts and scholars,both Chinese and foreign,about the subject of the management of city floating population from different perspectives.However,relatively few of them have targeted the management of city floating population in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities like Lhasa.Researches offering feasible suggestions for the management in the city are even less.As one who spends most of my time working and living in Lhasa and used to be one of the floating population,I have the convenience to do some research on this subject,which is why I have chosen A study on the Management of Floating Population in Lhasa as the title of my thesis.Through approximately three months of on-the-spot visit and inquiry,data collection as well as an in-depth analysis of the management expertise of the floating population in advanced cities both home and abroad,I have found some problems in the management practices and probed into their causes.Based on my findings,I would like to make feasible suggestions on the city's management of floating population as follows:First,further improvement should be made in the laws and regulations regarding floating population management in Lhasa while the legislation process should be accelerated;Second,the system of floating population management should be transformed from a management-oriented type to a service-oriented one;Third,innovation should be made in the pattern of floating population management,Carry out reform of the household registration management system;Fourth,the functions and powers of different management units should be clarified,management resources should be pooled and management efficiency be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lhasa, floating population, management
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