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The Collision Of "filial Piety Culture" And Selfish Desire

Posted on:2022-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N HuFull Text:PDF
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Set in a declining,third-tier,heavy industrial relied small city in Northeast China,the short drama "Filial Piety" depicts,through atomistic observation,the behavior of a small Chinese family of three children facing the problem of loneliness and elderly people.From tiny to the whole,the film is representative of a microcosm of the decline in traditional Chinese family culture in this area around the 1920s.The work is ostensibly an exploration of the issue of old age with Chinese characteristics-a satire on the hypocrisy and refined egoism of some children in a society where traditional Chinese attitudes influence difficult choices made by children in modern life regarding the elderly people in loneliness.Essentially,on the one hand,it explores the impact of new models of care on the traditional culture of elderly people under modern economic and social development,and the collision between the "culture of filial piety" and selfish desires on the other.Ultimately,it is a story of cultural transformation,moral and human struggle against the backdrop of economic change.The script is structured in the paradigm of a family ethical mystery,with the story being brought together through the machinations of the third child and then reversed through the words of the mother at the end of the film.The events open with the state of affairs after the death of the father and the mother's hospitalization for a myocardial infarction operation,the point at which she is about to be discharged from the hospital and makes new demands on her children,who will take care of her?This sets up the question.The eldest child,leading cadres,is actually a strong man on the outside;the second child,filial women,is also profit-oriented;the third,however,who is frail and sickly,is actually extremely shrewd in his heart;and the mother,who is willing to sacrifice for the sake of her children,seems to be confused,but actually has her own plans.The whole cast of villains,the third one who sets up a trap,and the reversal of attitude of the eldest and the second one who know that there is profit to be made are all gory presentations of real human nature.The director intervenes through empathy in the choices made by the four main characters in the film.As the saying goes,"If one doesn't do it for himself,he will be killed".You can't hold every ordinary person to a saint's standard of sacrifice and dedication,and there is nothing wrong with making choices for your own benefit.The director's attitude towards the performance and choices of all people is therefore understandable.The Chinese family is ethical on the surface,but underneath is a whole lot of secrets and lies.The so-called family is actually compromise.This is a unique perspective that does not require a single "flawless" standard for the elderly and their children,but rather an optimal solution that does not compromise the interests of others.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elderly people, Filial culture, Selfishness
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