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Lv Bicheng's Buddhist Belief And Social Practice Research

Posted on:2021-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306737966179Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China in the early twentieth century where wars were turbulent,everything was abandoned and everything was breaking through the old look for a new world,and all people and things aroused new expectations.There are also many representatives in the literary world and the female social class.Among them is Lv Bicheng,which is known as "the celebrity who cherishes envy,and pushes Lv Bicheng everywhere".Under the social background of the Republic of China,Lu Bicheng moved from the literary world to the officialdom,and he was at ease in the officialdom.Afterwards,many years of foreign residence turned to religion and invested in animal protection,relying on the enlightenment of Buddhist culture received since childhood,plus in Christianity,Taoism,Buddhism.Under the contrast of the three religious cultures,choose the ancient blue lanterns of Buddhism for the rest of your life.Due to the special family and growing environment,the cultural influences learned by Lv Bicheng have formed a maverick work style that does not follow the mainstream,relying on the various groundbreaking acceptance backgrounds of the Republic of China,and various cultures competed to burst into Lv Bicheng at this time.The race created a stage of development.Lv Bicheng 's family has changed,her mother 's religious beliefs,the differences between Chinese and Western religions she has seen living in China and abroad for many years in her youth,the current social situation,and the ups and downs of emotional experience make her desperately need to seek spiritual sustenance and then invest in Buddhism and exhibit it in Chinese and foreign Buddhist culture and social practice.Boxing.Lv Bicheng's thoughts and behaviors in different periods interacted with each other.From the background of Lv Bicheng's family background and social situation,her own salvation and help to all beings,she studied the origin,changes and practice of her Buddhist beliefs in various stages.On the one hand,the cultural education she received in the family gave her sufficient confidence to gradually dig through the political and literary careers,and respected the education of modern women's school,saving thousands of women who were imprisoned in spirit and body.On the other hand,Lu Bicheng's personal emotional setbacks made her hesitant and avoiding the emotions she faced.Finally,the spiritual emptiness was found in faith,and he put his energy and sustenance into the Buddhist culture of killing and protecting students,the equality of all living beings and the real-life communication between China and foreign countries,and social practice.She was committed to the cause of Buddhism and her charitable practices on social livelihood and Dharma.The impact of publicity.Lv Bicheng is a believer in Buddhism and a communicator of Buddhism culture.She is also a promoter of a new situation in modern Chinese society that puts her destiny and social state in one practice.Looking for sustenance,contacting Buddhism,and applying Buddhism to practical practice,this strange woman finally challenged the world with unwillingness and mediocrity,devoted herself to Buddhism with a calm,peaceful,and peaceful attitude,leaving her trace in modern Buddhism and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lv Bicheng, Buddhism, all beings are equal, killing and protecting students
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