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Observation And Quality - The Aesthetic Carrier And Inspiration Of Leon Battista Alberti's On Painting

Posted on:2022-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306722485094Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Leon Battista Alberti's [De pictura,1435],written in both Latin and Italian,was the first modern theoretical work On Painting in the West.In this book,Alberti,for the first time,presents a scientific,rational and aesthetically sublime artistic perspective on the principles and laws of painting,such as the theory of point perspective,the theory of colour,the theory of human proportions and the layout of composition,which have become the basic principles that artists of all generations have had to follow in their artistic creation and practice.It is worth noting that Alberti's book repeatedly emphasises that the artistic sensibility that comes from a keen observation of nature itself,and the ability to develop an artist's aesthetic qualities by constantly studying works of art and reading the classics,are the basic prerequisites for all artistic creation and innovation,which is also Alberti's real aim in writing this book.Based on this,this article will explore the theoretical origins of Alberti's On Painting from the perspective of observation and quality;evaluate the specific means of artistic reproduction that Alberti's On Painting derives from the sublime aesthetic quality that is embedded in the hear,i.e.the artistic carrier,and conduct a more in-depth study in conjunction with the analysis of the artist's artworks,which is of great significance and value to us today in re-examining the relationship between the art of painting as an aesthetic vehicle and the quality innovation of the spiritual core.
Keywords/Search Tags:On Painting, Leon Battista Alberti, Art carrier, Aesthetic quality, Vision
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