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Research On Wen Xiangfeng And Sanshui Wen Family

Posted on:2022-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306722475044Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the Wen family of Sanshui,Shaanxi had six scholars in the middle of the ranks,creating the pinnacle of county imperial examination.Wen Zaizhong set up a school of Leyu in his hometown,many people followed him to learn,the county people are accustomed to call him the literary master.He studies the Yi,and good at poetry,his eldest son Wen Xiangfeng inherited family learning,and developes them better.The Wen family moved from Shanxi to Bin area,upholding the good family tradition of integrity,benevolence,loyalty and filial piety for generations.The enlightened family environment of loving literature not only cultivated a group of imperial examination talents,but also promoted the growth of several female writers.This article is divided into four chapters,with subsections under each chapter.The first chapter is an overview of the Wen family of Sanshui,focusing on the historical record of the Wen family's transition from Jin to Qin and its roots in Pingyang,Shanxi,from the “Jing” surname to “Wen” and “Gou” surnames.Sort out family traditions and analyze the formation of family traditions and family studies,such as pay attention to the imperial examination,farming and reading,loyal and filial,honesty and respect;Chapter two introduces Wen Xiangfeng' s life,writings,and friends,focusing on Wen Xiangfeng's family status,official information,related works in different periods,friends and interactions,to established a clear understanding of this key figure in the family;Chapter three mainly discusses Wen Xiangfeng's literary view,different styles of literary creation,and the evaluation of the literary world,undering the influence of literature and Neo-Confucianism in the late Ming Dynasty;Chapter four is the study of other members of the Wen family,mainly introducing the creation and thoughts of female writers such as Ge Wen,Deng,Liu Wen and Luo who lived with Wen well as the inheritance and development of male writers in the Wen family,they either had an influence on Wen Xiangfeng in creation and life,or were inspired by Wen Xiangfeng.Through the above series of studies,this article tries to show the development history and achievements of the Wen family in Sanshui,Shaanxi,based on their creation of poetry and essays,and discussing the literary circles' comments on the representative Wen Xiangfeng,so that readers can have a more comprehensive understanding of him.And assess his status and value in the Guanzhong literary circles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wen Xiangfeng, The Wen family of Sanshui, literature Creation
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