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Research On Consumer Decision-making Behavior Of Comic Exhibition Tourism

Posted on:2021-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306302989079Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Animation industry can bring huge economic benefits,developed countries will vigorously support it as a strategic industry.In the United States,the export volume of animation and animation derivative products in the animation industry once exceeded that of the traditional automobile and aerospace industry;in Japan,the cultural industry,including animation,was built into the second pillar industry next to the tourism industry;in South Korea,a "cultural industry revitalization Institute" was set up to provide dual policy and financial support to the animation industry.It is the support of animation industry of these national teams that makes animation industry become a huge industry now.It is estimated that the total value of the global animation industry in 2018 will be 259 billion US dollars,and the total value of the animation industry is expected to reach 270 billion US dollars by 2020.And the annual growth rate is about 2%.Especially in developed countries,animation industry has gradually become a pillar industry.Animation exhibition is a derivative of animation industry.In recent years,there has been a frenzy of animation exhibition all over the country.As the domestic animation exhibition is still in the initial stage of exploration,with the holding of diffuse exhibitions around the country,many problems have gradually emerged.However,the potential of China's domestic animation market is huge.As long as we make good use of domestic animation resources and advantages,improve the quality of the exhibition,and increase the investment support for the original animation industry,China's animation exhibition will be able to open up a broad market space,pull the all-round Industrial chain,and bring new market benefits.This paper concludes that the proportion of female tourists is higher than that of male tourists,mainly young people,and their education level is in the middle and higher levels.Business service personnel and enterprise management personnel account for a large proportion of leisure tourists,and most of them are in the middle-income level.Animation exhibition industry has made some efforts in publicity and achieved certain results.The main purpose of the tourists is to buy or sell authentic ACG works and surrounding areas.A large number of people come to the exhibition for the first time,and some will often come to the exhibition.The overall consumption ability of the tourists is strong and the cost is high.However,the tourists are not very satisfied with the evaluation of the exhibition,which may be caused by the dissatisfaction with the exhibition facilities.This is where the improvement of the exhibition needs to be considered.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animation industry, Animation conventions, Tourism decision making, Decision making in animation conventions
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