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A Study On The Evolution Of Guanzhong Academy And Ming And Qing Guanxue Teaching Ideas

Posted on:2021-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306038486634Subject:Chinese philosophy
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Guanzhong Academy,as a cultural dojo in Shaanxi and even the entire northwest region,not only carries the ideological and cultural traditions of the Guanzhong region,but also plays a pivotal role in the history of Guan Xue thought.It is the so-called inheritance of Zhang Zi and the modernization of modern science.It can be said that the Guanzhong Academy presents the epitome of the ideological changes throughout the Ming and Qing Dynasties.It is also the important town of Guan Xue's lectures and witnesses the rise and fall of Guan Xue in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Guanzhong Academy is located in the gate of Xi'an Academy,the ancient capital.Its history of construction and development follows the tradition of Shaanxi Academy and inherits the tradition of Guanzhong Academy.The Academy was built in Shaanxi Province.From the beginning of Tang Dynasty,the first folk Academy in Chinese history,Lantian Yingzhou Academy,was built in Shaanxi Province.During the period of Xuanzong in Tang Dynasty,the official academy gradually took shape.Lizheng Academy and Jixian Academy came into being at this time.However,at this time,the functions of academy mostly lie in collecting books for the Royal family,or in studying for the private scholars.There are practical activities centers for mainstream or local school lectures or for cultural and ideological exchanges.It was not until the Northern Song Dynasty that Hengqu Jingshe(Hengqu Academy)emerged in Guanzhong area.Zhang Zai gave lectures and received lectures in Hengqu Jingshe,which initiated the practice of Guan Xue's lectures.Since Zhang Zai,Guanxue has opened up the exploration of Guanxue as teaching practice.Zhang Zai,as the pioneer of Guanxue,began his practice of teaching in Hengqu Jingshe.Then it developed to the Ming and Qing Dynasties,and the practice of Guanzhong Academy reached a peak period,and its concrete practice manifested itself in Guanzhong Academy.It can be said that Guanzhong College bears three paths for the transformation of Guanzhong Thought.Firstly,the Guan Xue thought from the Northern Song Dynasty to the middle of the Ming Dynasty was the way for Zhang Zai to turn to the thought of science.This period was the period of Guan Xue's early creation.The Guan Xue thought was mainly manifested from the lecture practice of Zhang Zai in the Hengqu Jingshe.At this time,Zhang Zai was instructed by the scholars in the Hengqu.The content and thoughts of the lectures were mainly Zhang Zai."The study of the cross-channel" of the study of one's own thoughts.Since then,Zhang Zai's death,Zhang Zai's disciples have left the second journey,and Guan Xue's thought has undoubtedly a factor that is closer to science.After that,there was a period of silence after the school was closed.Until the Ming Dynasty,Feng Congwu founded the Guanzhong Academy,and Guan Xue regained his vitality.At this time,the idea of Guan Xue was not only Zhang Zi's"Study of Hengqu".It has been integrated into the thought of science,and gradually moved to Guanzhong Wangxue.Secondly,the Guan Xue thought from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the way to transform the Neo-Confucianism.During this period,the representative of the Confucian scholars who developed the Guanxue Academy in Guanzhong Academy was Li Erqu.Li Zhongfu emphasized that"self-respecting" through "reflexion and self-examination" would be a matter of"self-discipline" and "self-discipline".Central science has developed to a prosperous period.Different from Feng Congwu,in the second song here,he lectured on the practical science of focusing on the use of the world,and developed the practical thinking of Guan Xue.Thirdly,from the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,the thought of Guan Xue occurred with the thought of middle school and the thought of Western learning.Under the sweep of the European and American trends,in 1903,Guanzhong Academy was renamed as "School Hall" and later changed to "Shaanxi First Normal School",becoming one of the first colleges to be reformed in modern Chinese history.After the reform,the Guanzhong Academy was one of the first colleges in China to introduce Western knowledge into the academy.It focused on the idea of "secondary school and western learning as the supplement"and adapted it to the needs of China's modernization process.All aspects of the talents are given lectures as the main purpose.In the context of the era of modernization at the time,Guanzhong Academy incorporated the new study into the lecture practice of Guanzhong Academy.This is the evidence of Guanxue's openness in the actual academic system,and it is the university's practice in the practice of the academy.The specific performance of the spirit.However,at this time,Guanzhong scholars have two choices in the face of the great changes in the country.First,during the period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,the great Confucian Niu Zhaoyu served as the "master teaching" of the college during the reform period,but because of the Westernization reform of the college,he deviated from Niu Zhaoxuan,"Cheng Zhu is a Confucius and Mencius school,and Cheng Zhu is in Confucius and Mencius".In the purpose of lectures,he resigned from the post of "General Teaching" and returned to the country to continue his lectures on Zhu Zhidao.Second,the great Confucian Liu Guyu in the late Qing Dynasty took Wang Yangming's conscience as his teaching purpose,but at the time of national disaster.It is well-known and well-known,and it is a matter of learning Chinese and Western culture,and paying attention to people's livelihood.It is used by the world to set up an industry to save the country,which reflects the feelings of Guanzhong scholars saving the country and helping the world.Although the two have different teaching paths,their inheritance has never changed.The practice of the practice,the heart of the country that has saved the country and the rise and fall has never changed.It has only chosen the old and the new ways to save the nation in distress.From this,it can be seen that in order to clarify the context of Guan Xue's development in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,it is particularly important to explore the theory of Guanzhong Daru in the Guanzhong Academy.However,if you want to present what you have learned and what you have learned,it is difficult to get out of the complicated literature research,and thus you can't do it.And to try another way,from the teaching practice of Guanzhong Academy at various stages to explore the academic and developmental approach of Guan Xue,you can study Guan Xue with a more intuitive and stereoscopic perspective.This kind of research is to combine the Guanzhong Academy with the practice study of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,and systematically discuss and study it in a more realistic and three-dimensional form.All in all;Guanzhong Academy is not only the cultural dojo of Guanzhong lectures in the middle and late Ming and Qing Dynasties,but also a microcosm of the changes and changes in the whole school during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Guanzhong Academy not only inherits Guanzhong's academic and academic style,but more importantly,it inherits the spirit of the Chinese Academy's university.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guanzhong Academy, Feng Congwu, Li Erqu, Liu Guyu
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