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Research On Calligraphy Of Epitaphs Of Palace People In Sui And Tang Dynasties In The Forest Of Steles In Xi'an

Posted on:2021-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Palace people,as a special crowd of ancient palace tye,were selected to serve the court as "good man" before his death,but after his death,the epitaph of one side"program" was completed.Epitaph was originally a reflection of a person's life story,in style and content is naturally dignified and complete,sad is in Xi' an stele forest hidden in the Sui and Tang palace epitaph is the opposite,the content form is not perfect and calligraphy style is exaggerated,this is a mainstream ideology under the rebellion,but also reflects the concentrated embodiment of folk calligraphy.This paper summarizes and combs the epitaphs of the palace people in the Sui and Tang dynasties of more than 77 sides of the Xi'an Museum of Steles Forest,and analyzes the epitaphs of the palace people in the Sui and Tang dynasties in four chapters,respectively,by stages,calligraphy style classification,calligraphy style analysis and so on.The introduction summarizes the data and some previous research results and some thoughts on the epitaph of the palace people,and points out the significance of this study and the research methods involved in this paper;the first chapter is mainly about the historical evolution of the special group system of the palace people and the present situation of the collection of the steles in Xi'an;the second chapter is about the source of the epitaph of the palace people,the selection method,the inscription,the form,the book Dan and other related issues The third chapter is to classify the epitaph and the stone from the style of calligraphy,to sum up and analyze it and reveal the simple style of calligraphy.The fourth chapter is mainly about the artistic features of the epitaphs of the palace people,the development of contemporary calligraphy and the creation of contemporary calligraphy,through the analysis and induction to reveal the characteristics of the epitaph calligraphy of the palace people and palace people,to have a more comprehensive understanding of the epitaph calligraphy of palace people and palace people,enlighten the development of contemporary calligraphy and the problems existing in contemporary creation.According to the data of the epitaph of Tang Gong people in Xi'an Stele Forest,the quantity and preservation are very good and representative.This paper attempts to make a systematic summary and analysis of the epitaphs of the palace people in Xi'an Forest of Steles,and explore the information contained in the epitaphs of the palace people,so as to explore the living conditions and related problems of the special group of the people in the Tang Dynasty,and make a supporting data for the study of the life history of ancient women.Especially in the calligraphy part of the epitaph of the palace people,through the induction and classification analysis of the epitaph of the palace people,it reveals the special form of burial of the special people of the palace people,on the one hand,it can fill the short board of the study of the epitaph of the palace people and make up for the enrichment.On the other hand,it enlightens the development of contemporary calligraphy,and also has a very important reference significance for contemporary calligraphy creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi'an Forest of Steles Sui and Tang Palace Man Epitaph
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