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Research On The Multi-modality Design In Augmented Reality Display Of Jiaoshan Forest Of Steles

Posted on:2020-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330596491899Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the biggest forest of steles in south regions of the Yangtze River,JiaoShan forest of steles gathers all previous dynasties calligraphy masters of carving treasures,its appreciation and research value are extremely great.Because these works of art are carved on the cliff or set on the wall,it is hard to move them.Tourists must go to JiaoShan to appreciate their charm.While the rubbings can be spread,exhibited,it does not show the whole picture and the essence of stone inscription art.In addition,the stone inscriptions are corroded seriously in the wild,and it is hard to avoid man-made destruction completely.JiaoShan forest of steles need new forms to be showed.Digital media technology can present stone inscription art with new forms.It will promote the protection and propagation of this kind of art.Traditional inscriptions displays only show the inscription or rubbings with words.This way of display is too simple,and it is unable to take advantage of human senses or arouse viewer's interest.This research is based on mobile augmented reality technology,blends the computer-generated virtual objects with real environment in time,and allows users to interact with the virtual digital exhibits in the real world.In order to give full play to the effectiveness of augmented reality,and improve the efficiency of user cognition and comprehensive sensory experiences,this paper mainly studies the application of multi-sensory design in the forest of JiaoShan steles AR display.It studies the multi-modality design theory,sums up the multi-modality perception model and its design strategies;applies multi-modality design theory to augmented reality display,proposes to use vision,auditory sense,touching,smell modality as integration,synaesthesia,compensation and coordination of the actual situation information augmented reality display design strategies;buildings process of "clearing design target content,selection of the multi-modality and design strategies,designing user interaction behavior in the process of display,feedback and evaluation after experience".According to the multi-modality design strategies and process in the application of augmented reality,put this into design practice of JiaoShan forest of steles calligraphy.Finally,make a sense judgment evaluation to AR display of JiaoShan forest of steles.The result shows that AR display system of JiaoShan forest of steles based on multi-modality design can optimize inscription display,and improve user's sensory experience.AR display system of JiaoShan forest of steles improves the monotonous situation of inscriptions calligraphy art,and converts inanimate stone inscriptions to digital art form,which can tell the story by itself.This will push the stone calligraphy art from "small appreciation" to "public praise".This way of display can satisfy people of all ages,all needs and different understanding of calligraphy art.Moreover,it will attract traditional-art alienated young generation,and let them experience the charm of traditional Chinese inscriptions calligraphy art.They will understand Chinese image thinking,and feel the charm of Chinese culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multi-modality Design, Display of Augmented Reality, JiaoShan Forest of Steles
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