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A Theoretical Study On The Mechanism Of Flexible Manipulation On Fascia Based On The Mechanical Properties Of Shear Thickening Fluids

Posted on:2022-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2514306554495704Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,Mao Taizhi proposed and advocated the Oriental flexible technique based on Taoism and characterized by "nudging and moving slowly".My tutor,Professor Cao Rui,also applied the flexible technique in clinical practice and found that it had outstanding advantages and remarkable curative effect in the treatment of trauma diseases.At present,massage practitioners have been invisible to the rigid and soft application of the techniq-ue.However,the rigid and flexible attributes of the technique are not defined,classified,and the principle of action is unknown.Therefore,in this paper,according to Mao's idea,the definition and classification of the rigid and soft attributes of the manipulation of massage are carried out,and the application of the flexible manipulation is related to the ancient literature."Fascia" includes fascia,which is the target of the flexible manipulations.The shear thickened liquid and fascia have very high similarity in mechanics.The three aspects are discussed,and the principle of the flexible manipulation in the treatment of trauma diseases is deduced.Finally,the conclusion is drawn and the tree structure of flexible manipulation is constructed.This paper is divided into five parts:The first part is the research method.The use of "Chinese Medicine Yi Dian" and Chinese Medicine Dianhai as search tools,sorting out the use of flexible massage in ancient books records.The description and application of flexible massage techniques in selected ancient literature were sorted out.Search the contents of "fascia","fascia" and "shear thickening liquid" on CNKI to study the related theories.The second part,according to the concept of Mao's definition of rigid manipulation and flexible manipulation,the textbook six types of manipulation through the definition of rigid manipulation and flexible manipulation and characteristics of the induction,classification.The method of attributing to flexibility was collected by the modern textbooks and CNKI in ancient times.The third part,to determine the ancient flexible techniques called keywords to search,collect the description and application of flexible techniques in ancient literature.The fourth part discusses the principle of flexible manipulation in the treatment of trauma diseases.To explore the possible relationship among fascia,fascia and shearing thickened fluid in the treatment of diseases by flexible manipulation.The fifth part is to construct the tree structure of flexible manipulation.The overall results are as follows:1.Definition: Rigid manipulation refers to the dynamic,fast and powerful manipulation.Characteristics: Rigid manipulation must be dynamic,fast operation,large strength,multi-pu-rpose flash or cinch strength for treatment.Definition: flexible manipulation refers to a static or slow,soft manipulation.Characteristics: static manipulation must be flexible manipulation,flexible manipulation is not all static,slow,force uniform and soft operation techniques also belong to the flexible manipulation.Six kinds of techniques belong to the flexible methods are kneading method,rubbing method,push method(static),wipe method,press method,pressure method,point method,kneading method(static),drawing and stretc-hing method(static),fle-xure and stretching method(static).Belong to the rigid technique there is a Zen push method,a Zen deflection push method,the law,rub method,take method,rub method,dial method,pa-t method,blow method,play method,shake method,vibration method,shake method,pull m-ethod,back method.2.Refer to the literature to determine the names and ancient nicknames of the following nine flexible techniques(wiping is a technique derived from modern times,so it will not parti-cipate in this part of the research).Kneading method(kneading,creasing);Mo method(Fu,Fu,Zhi,copy,rub);Push method(push);Press method,pressure method(Ann,press,ye,rest-rain na)and point method(point);Kneading method(kneading,twisting),pulling and stretching m-ethod(lifting,guiding,stretching,pulling,pulling,lifting,promoting,pulling,pulling and str-etching,chuai hold,pushing on);Bend and stretch method(bend and stretch,drag and stretch,drag and stretch,pull(stretch)push(bend)).3.To explore the principle of flexible manipulation in treating trauma diseases.Under the guidance of the differentiation of tendons and bones,the flexible technique starts with the diff-erentiation of tendons.The essential research of "jin" has not been concluded at present.However,the study found that fascia and "fascia" are the relationship between the latter and t-he former,fascia and "fascia" are highly similar in characteristics,so we can start from fascia to treat trauma diseases.It is found that the biomechanical properties of fascia are highly cons-istent with the mechanical properties of shear-thickened liquid.First,both of them are visco-elastic materials,which have the dual properties of fluid and solid.Second,fascia likes temp-erature and hates cold.A warm environment is conducive to reducing fascia viscosity and im-proving fluidity.The increase of temperature will affect the formation of "particle clusters" in the shear thickening liquid and force the shear thickening effect to weaken.Thirdly,in terms of mechanical performance,after the fascia is suddenly stimulated by abnormal stress,the vis-cosity of amorphous matrix in the fascia will increase significantly,and the fluidity will dec-rease,resulting in the decrease of the fluidity of the fascia,and the fascia will show the har-dening state of adhesion,contracture and so on.When stimulated with a light but slow force,the amorphous matrix in the abnormally viscous fascia liquefies,the fibers rearrange,and the fascia remodeles,restoring fluidity.The shear-thickened liquid appears as a fluid state with excellent fluidity at no or slight stress,becomes unusually viscous or even presents a solid-like state when a force exceeding the critical value is applied suddenly,and then returns to a fluid state when the external force is removed.Therefore,the similarity between the biomechanical properties of fascia and the mechanical properties of shear-thickened liquid is the prim-ary reason for the effect of flexible manipulation in the treatment of trauma diseases.4.Flexible manipulations are divided into flexible reinforcement manipulations and flexi-ble bonesetting manipulations.The flexible reinforcement technique can be divided into dyna-mic flexible reinforcement technique and static flexible reinforcement technique.The dynam-ic flexible reinforcement technique is mainly aimed at the adhesion of shallow fascia,includi-ng kneading method,rubbing method and wiping method.Static flexible reinforcement techni-que is mainly aimed at the contracture of deep fascia,including point method,press method,pressure method and static kneading method.The flexible bonesetting technique is mainly aim-ed at the fascia folds caused by the abnormal bone position,including static push method,sta-tic pull and extension method and static flexion and extension method.According to the abo-ve description,the classification of manipulations is drawn and refined,and a complete tree structure diagram of flexible manipulations is constructed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flexible technique, Fascia, Shear thickened liquid, Tree structure diagram of flexible manipulation
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