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Order Analysis In Traditional Embroidery

Posted on:2022-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306773498324Subject:Fine Arts, Calligraphy, Sculpture and Photography
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Embroidery art has a long history,delicate and beautiful expression language,and occupies an important position in Chinese traditional handicraft culture.Aesthetic art culture inevitably accompanied by the development of era of change,with the deepening of the construction of "beautiful China",the development of Chinese modern and contemporary art important mission and strategic goal is to carry forward the traditional culture,but the traditional handicraft industry as an important part of Chinese traditional culture,its development status in the social development of industrialization and informatization is in a passive state,Traditional handicrafts are increasingly marginalized due to their weak regenerative power.Through the ages,the traditional embroidery art,once a cultural symbol of the Chinese nation,gradually lost its luster in the era of rapid mechanized production.This disharmonious situation is mainly because the artistic value of traditional embroidery cannot match the aesthetic standards of the information age.How to coordinate the relationship between the two,so that the traditional craft can take the train of The Times,once again become the artistic means of the new era of art creators to express their feelings,has become the main problem in front of us.The traditional embroidery art has always been characterized by the neat and even stitch as the standard,which emphasizes the sense of order and forms the unique aesthetic symbol of embroidery.A form in the "sense of order" as the breakthrough point,will be in the process of different periods of the embroidery of the performance and function of "the sense of order" transverse comparison,summed up form the background for the state of each period and play a role in the development of embroidery craft,further discuss the traditional embroidery art in the modern information age should make a change.In the first part of the thesis,the concept of sense of order is introduced,and the perceptual feedback of sense of order to the audience in the works of art is expounded,as well as the effect of sense of order on the visual effect and psychological effect of the works."Sense of order" through the visual stimulation to produce physiological pleasure,and then promote people to produce psychological pleasure and aesthetic feeling.Therefore,"sense of order" is the necessary condition to produce the feeling of beauty,and is also the core category of embroidery art to establish the sense of beauty,which is embodied in the aspects of techniques,organizational structure and color collocation.In the second part,the author makes a comparative study on the performance characteristics of the sense of order in traditional embroidery art and modern embroidery art.Traditional embroidery is divided into copying and pattern,which requires fine workmanship and uniform stitches.In this artistic mode,rough workmanship or disorderly line arrangement cannot meet the aesthetic standards of traditional embroidery,such as Suzhou embroidery,which emphasizes the reproduction of reality.On the other hand,the evenness of expression was in line with the emotional expression of the creator at that time.For example,the definition and arrangement of the sense of order were reconstructed in the works of art.The embroidery art completed the transformation from expressing "image" to expressing "meaning",and the embroidery art was endowed with richer cultural connotation.Finally,the article discusses the modern diversified aesthetic standards,and combines the creation of domestic and foreign artists to analyze the embroidery art under the modern aesthetic standards.Throughout the embroidery works of modern artists at home and abroad,creators often use the way of "establishment-breaking-recombination" to reinterpret a "new sense of order",and the establishment of "new sense of order" is based on the understanding of modern artists on the background of The Times and how to fix this understanding in the works of art.Based on the above links,this new interpretation of the sense of order not only ADAPTS to the aesthetic requirements of the current era,but also extends and develops the endless vitality of artistic works.
Keywords/Search Tags:sense of order, psychological order, traditional embroidery art, modern embroidery art, reconstruction method
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