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New Qiang Furniture Design Research

Posted on:2022-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306491492614Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Qiang people are an ancient people with a long and brilliant history and culture,which is represented by Qiang embroidery and towers,and after the Wenchuan earthquake in2008,the environment on which the Qiang people rely for survival was destroyed,bringing Qiang culture to the world's attention.Because the Qiang lack a written language,the transmission of Qiang culture mostly relies on Qiang needlework as a cultural information carrier,and only a limited number of Qiang people are passing it on,which is insufficient.Furniture,as a daily requirement for humans,might be a carrier of Qiang culture,but few people have researched Qiang furniture,and furniture has become a need for the Qiang people today due to the degradation of the living environment.The Qiang culture is in jeopardy and requires immediate protection as well as study into new ways for it to be handed on and developed.Using literature research methods,field investigation methods,experimental practice methods,and collating and summarizing methods,this thesis integrates the Qiang totem culture into the Qiang nationality's furniture design and summarizes the environment,cultural customs,patterns,and totems of the Qiang nationality.To provide theoretical support for the design of new Qiang furniture,the concepts of fractal theory and design nationality are introduced.The Frac Lab toolbox in MATLAB was used to perform fractal analysis on the representative single-element Qiang patterns and multi-element Qiang patterns,and the box function idea in fractal theory was explained,and the composition of Qiang patterns was described.The Qiang nationality's traits and color components,together with furniture design methodologies and associated ergonomics theories,give theoretical foundation for the new Qiang furniture design's creativity and logic.This paper is a study of new Qiang furniture design based on Qiang totemic culture,which is both a new way to explore Qiang furniture design research and a new carrier for the inheritance and development of Qiang culture,aiming to protect Qiang culture and explore more possibilities for the inheritance and development of Qiang culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qiang culture, Totem, Fractal theory, Design nationality, New Qiang furniture
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