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Design Of Cloud Measurement System For Aquatic Products Processing

Posted on:2022-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306350470644Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy,the development of traditional industries has gradually become a bottleneck.The rapid development of science and technology has injected new power into it,making the labor-intensive industries gradually develop into technology intensive industries.After years of rapid development,the power of aquatic products processing is gradually insufficient.Therefore,in the production process of aquatic products processing industry,such as measurement link,combined with the current new technology,it has high application value and development prospect to liberate human resources and improve enterprise efficiency.This paper puts forward the design scheme of aquatic processing cloud measurement system,which is composed of aquatic scale terminal,aquatic processing cloud management platform and mobile app.The aquatic scale terminal can preliminarily process the weight information and swipe card information,and upload the relevant data to the cloud management platform through 4G wireless communication;the aquatic processing cloud management platform is mainly responsible for the statistics,storage and report processing of the data uploaded by the aquatic scale terminal;the mobile app obtains the relevant statistical data from the cloud platform for users to query.The main work is as follows:(1)The software and hardware system of aquatic scale terminal is designed.The hardware part is mainly composed of weighing module,RFID card reading module and Android intelligent tablet,and the software part is based on Android platform.The weighing module and the card reading module are responsible for collecting the weight information of weighing products and the employee information in the IC card.The Android intelligent tablet is responsible for issuing commands to the two modules to obtain the relevant data and display the relevant information and realize the visual hierarchical management.At the same time,the relevant data is uploaded to the cloud management platform.(2)The cloud management platform of aquatic products processing was constructed.The cloud platform is deployed in Tomcat web server in the cloud server,and the relevant data is stored in MySQL database.Cloud platform software is a java web development based on spring boot+mybatis framework,which mainly realizes login,data statistics,data receiving,record query,query result download,personnel hierarchical management and product information hierarchical management,and realizes visual services for users through web pages.(3)The mobile app design is completed.The mobile app based on Android is mainly used by managers and ordinary employees.It provides two login interfaces and can be switched freely.After login,managers can query the data statistics of the whole company(submit weight and pay salary)according to the conditions.After the login of general staff,only their data statistics can be queried.The test of aquatic products processing cloud measurement system shows that all functions of the system are normal,the weighing accuracy meets the requirements of aquatic products weighing,achieves the expected goal,realizes more convenient operation,and saves human resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aquatic scale, Cloud measurement, Cloud platform, Data transmission, App
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