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Research On The Improvement Of Moblie-learning Training System In Y Oil Production Plant

Posted on:2021-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306110471844Subject:Master of business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of information technology has rapidly pro moted the development of society,and the change of informat ion driv ing force has changed in all a reas of society.Education is one of the.The nu mber of sma rtphone users in the country far e xceeds that of Internet users around the world.Users on the mobile terminal of the mobile network can obtain and process online informat ion,wh ich broadens the scope of education.Informat ion advancement has a huge positive impact on the de mocratizat ion of life long education and the promotion of personalized education.In the field of education,Mobile-learn ing,due to the characteristics of convenience and speed,provides convenient and open conditions for modern d istance education.Therefore,it is very necessary to discuss the application of mobile learning in distance education.With the advent of the mobile network and the era of big data,majo r co mpanies ha ve taken the "high-speed train" on the Internet,using mobile informat ion network technology to improve their core co mpetitiveness.Faced with this wave of reform,the most urgent task for o il co mpanies is to keep up with the pace of development,attach importance to the development strategy of human resources of the company,and create more train ing opportunities for the employees of the company,thereby imp roving the quality of the emp loyees and strengthening the core of the co mpany.Co mpetit ive Advantage.Due to the special environ mental factors of oil co mpanies,online tra ining can solve t ime,geographical and other issues better than traditional mode of corporate training.It integrates e xisting resources of the company and comple ments the traditional t rain ing mode.Innovative changes.This article ta kes Y oil production plant as the research object,and investigates the M-learning training system of Y o il production plant through literature rev iew method,questionnaire method and case study method,and finds that its M-learning tra ining system has unclear tra ining needs and training courses.The four proble ms of imperfect system,lack of co mplete t rain ing plan and inadequate training effectiveness evaluation methods are ma inly due to insuffic ient attention of managers,backwa rd train ing concepts and training management,limited training input costs and imperfect tra ining system construction.The reasons for the problem of the M-learn ing training system in the Y o il production plant,and put forwa rd four suggestions for imp rovement,respectively training operation system,tra ining course system,tra ining teacher system and training support system,so as to provide relevant reference for future research.It is hoped that through combining with the situation of Y oil production plant,we can find a suitable way for the tra ining which will provide policy support and feasible suggestions for the imp le mentation of M-learning tra ining.
Keywords/Search Tags:oil production plant, Mobile-learn ing(M-learning), enterprise training
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