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Research On U.S.Sanctions Iranian Oil

Posted on:2021-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B T SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306095469074Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the late 1970 s,the United States first launched a boycott of Iranian oil on the grounds of national security.Since then,the United States has imposed sanctions on Iran's oil sector through the promulgation of presidential executive orders and sanctions bills.Donald John Trump has taken a tougher stance towards Iran since he became White House host and has restarted sanctions against Iran,canceling the exemption for the development of Iran's oil industry since the Iranian nuclear agreement was reached,and putting pressure on the limit of Iran's oil industry to keep all Iranian oil in Iran.The resumption of US oil sanctions against Iran and its chain effect have once again made the direction of Iranian oil one of the focuses of the current international situation.The academic research on Iran's oil being sanctioned by the United States mainly focuses on the consideration from the perspective of Iran's nuclear issue,and makes an in-depth analysis of the opportunities and challenges caused by China-Iran oil trade.However,the research on the US sanctions against Iranian oil is relatively scarce,and the reasons for the US sanctions are often briefly mentioned.Oil is an important factor in US-Iran relations.Research on this issue can not only reflect the change of US policy towards Iran,but also help countries to grasp the scale of trade cooperation with Iran.U.S.sanctions on Iran's oil sector mainly include trade and financial sanctions,of which financial sanctions are the key and OFAC of the Ministry of Finance plays a major role.Based on the achievements in the academic circle and with the help of the data from the U.S.government and other departments,this paper clarifies the overall situation of U.S.sanctions on Iran's oil field in the 40 years from the end of 1970 s to now,focuses on analyzing the motivation of oil sanctions and reveals its essence,and explores the impact of U.S.sanctions on Iran's oil,with a view to supplementing and deepening the U.S.sanctions on Iran.It mainly includes four chapters: The first chapter briefly reviews the early US-Iran exchanges in the oil field,outlines the evolution of US's position in Iran's early oil exploitation and trade,and rapidly establishes a close partnership with Iran's new government.With the support of U.S.funds and so on,Iran gradually grew stronger and hoped to get rid of its dependence on the U.S.,which also laid the seeds for U.S.sanctions against Iran.The second chapter introduces in detail the main content and course of the US sanctions against Iran's oil field from 1980 to now through the analysis of US bills and executive orders,and summarizes the characteristics of each stage.The third chapter discusses the reasons why the United States imposed sanctions on Iranian oil from Iran and the United States.Taking the Iranian hostage crisis as an important node,it reveals that the essence of the U.S.sanctions on Iranian oil lies in the deterioration of the relations between the two countries.The fourth chapter discusses the impact of US sanctions on Iranian oil.U.S.sanctions on Iran's oil sector have directly led to the slow development of Iran's domestic economy and added variables to the reconciliation of U.S.-Iran relations.In addition,it has exacerbated the instability of the geographical pattern in the Middle East and further increased the differences and contradictions between the United States and Europe.Iran,as a regional power,has certain prestige and appeal.Especially since the Iran nuclear agreement was reached,the restrictions on Iran's oil field have been relaxed,and Iran's comprehensive strength has been enhanced.At the same time,Iran's advantage in geopolitical situation has also been highlighted.However,Iran and the United States have taken opposite positions on many issues since 1979,making sanctions the main policy of the United States in dealing with Iran's problems,especially the sanctions on Iran's oil field,an important means for the United States to suppress Iran.At present,U.S.sanctions on Iran's oil sector are unlikely to change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic Sanction, Iran oil, U.S.-Iran relations, The Middle East, Trans-Atlantic Ties
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