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The User as Protagonist: Connecting Superheroes Across Time through an Experiential Exhibition

Posted on:2016-10-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The George Washington UniversityCandidate:Browne, KyleFull Text:PDF
This thesis is a plan for a narrative-driven, experiential exhibition that attempts to teach the universality of storytelling through the lens of the modern superhero. It provides the experience of having superpowers by placing the visitor on a linear path, with choose-your-own-adventure elements, and a narrative style based on the monomyth, or hero's journey.;It looks back in time to the different mythologies that have inspired ancient epic poems about larger-than-life figures, and draws connections to present and future societal aspirations. The exhibition explores the role played by technology in supporting the heroic figures. It also explores the potential for technology to provide superhuman powers to contemporary society. The interpretive plan utilizes aspects of the Selinda Model of Museum Education..;Housed in the New York Hall of Science, the exhibition will be an exciting place for people interested in superheroes, technology and culture to make personal connections to them and explore their interrelations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Exhibition
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