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Paxos based directory updates for geo-replicated cloud storage

Posted on:2015-07-25Degree:M.S.E.C.EType:Thesis
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Rangarajan, SrivathsavaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390017497707Subject:Computer Engineering
Modern cloud data stores (e.g., Spanner, Cassandra) replicate data across geographically distributed data centers for availability, redundancy and optimized latencies.;An important class of cloud data stores involves the use of directories to track the location of individual data objects. Directory-based datastores allow flexible data placement, and the ability to adapt placement in response to changing workload dynamics. However, a key challenge is maintaining and updating the directory state when replica placement changes.;In this thesis, we present the design and implementation of a system to address the problem of correctly updating these directories. Our system is built around JPaxos, an open-sourced implementation of the Paxos consensus protocol. Using a Paxos cluster ensures our system is tolerant to failures that may occur during the update process compared to approaches that involve a single centralized coordinator.;We instrument and evaluate our implementation on PRObE, a large scale research testbed, using DummyNet to emulate wide-area network latencies. Our results show that latencies of directory update with our system are acceptable in WAN environments.;Our contributions include (i) the design, implementation and evaluation of a system for updating directories of geo-replicated cloud datastores; (ii) implementation experience with JPaxos; and (iii) experience with the PRObE testbed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud, Data, Paxos, Implementation, System, Directory
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