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Online News Coverage About Fraud and Self-Defensive Behavior in Chin

Posted on:2019-08-31Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Wang, CongxiFull Text:PDF
This study explores the role of online news media in directing people's behavior in China. Previous literature shows that Chinese tend to be suspicious or hostile towards strangers and those outside their network. This study assumes that this self-defensive behavior was caused by negative portrayal of strangers in Chinese online news media. A survey and a qualitative content analysis were conducted to understand how the exposure to crime news affects people's perception of strangers and public safety in China, then causes self-defensive behavior in China. The finding shows consistency between survey responses and media coverages about strangers, which establishes the relationship between crime news coverage and self-defensive behavior.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavior, Online news, News coverage, Crime news, Strangers
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