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A software-defined multi-element VLC architecture for high spatial reuse

Posted on:2016-12-28Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, RenoCandidate:Palathingal, Prabath Xavier JoseFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390017482002Subject:Computer Engineering
Visible light communication (VLC) is an emerging wireless technology that offers a promising set of possibilities for applications that need more capacity than legacy radio frequency (RF) can offer. Free-space-optical (FSO) communication is VLC's general form spanning infrared bands, and it has an upper hand on traditional RF systems due to license-free spectrum, inherent security and containment of beams, energy efficient communications, and high transmission rates. In this work, we consider a hybrid RF/FSO mechanism to transmit multiple data streams over multi-element VLC modules. We evaluate a novel model of multi-element hemispherical design that can provide good lighting and communication coverage across a room. Simulation results are presented to evaluate the link quality performance of the hemispherical design with hundreds of LED transmitters, organized in different configurations.
Keywords/Search Tags:VLC, Multi-element
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