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Community organization involvement strategies: A case study of three wetland conservation organizations in Southern California

Posted on:2015-10-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Nguyen, LindaFull Text:PDF
Wetlands are an important natural habitat that has continued to be undervalued. Much of this type of landscape has been heavily developed by humans and has led to a recent movement that attempts to restore degraded wetland habitats. Community organizations often obtain the task and responsibility of monitoring and maintaining these restoration projects, and public participation is a vital part of these efforts. My research compares and contrasts the volunteer engagement strategies of three restoration community organizations in the wetlands of Southern California. The purpose of this research is to identify successful outreach strategies. Results will benefit organizations that are searching for more effective tactics and strategies for outreach and education. The future of restoration projects will depend heavily on the participation of public community members, so discovering and identifying techniques to advocate conservation and encourage individuals to partake in such projects is an important role for conservation/restoration organizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizations, Community, Strategies
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