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MONSTRO: Artworks Inspired by the Disabled Experienc

Posted on:2019-07-16Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Meyer, Erin HFull Text:PDF
GTID:2476390017987845Subject:Fine Arts
My ability (or, inability) to come to terms with the disabled experience---forms the core of my artistic practice. I create semi-autobiographical sculptures that serve as allegory for the effects, symptoms, or experiences caused by my impairment. Through my work I scrutinize how my disability defines, limits, empowers, or differentiates me from my abled counterparts. Fueled by a rejection of society's current perception of impairment as a negative or inferior variation of human existence, my work instead illustrates how living with a disability is inherently non-binary---that the disabled experience is at once both positive and negative, biological and social, personal and political. I make artwork about my disability because I believe that those living with a disability are no better, nor any worse than their able-bodied counterparts---that the word disability only means different .
Keywords/Search Tags:Disabled, Disability
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