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Developing an embedded process of spiritual healing/growth for South Korean Presbyterian churches

Posted on:2016-04-21Degree:D.MinType:Thesis
University:Liberty UniversityCandidate:Chang, Sung InFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this project is to provide a biblical discipleship manual that restores believers to an intimate and obedient relationship with God through an embedded process of spiritual healing. Many disciples within South Korean Presbyterian churches are hindered from leading biblical lives of obedience by unresolved pain and scars that stem from their sins and misunderstandings about God. This is a direct result of dysfunctional discipleship processes within churches that do not empower the disciples to fully trust and obey Jesus Christ. The research will be conducted by surveying 100 Korean Presbyterian Church members. This thesis project will attempt to provide a discipleship manual that restores people's distorted relationship with God by laying a theoretical foundation for the necessity of spiritual healing within discipleship, and extracting key biblical principles for evaluating and redesigning existing discipleship programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Korean presbyterian, Discipleship, Spiritual, Biblical
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