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Frames of reference: Practicum report submission

Posted on:1991-06-21Degree:M.L.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Crockett, Donald GFull Text:PDF
This report was written to complete practicum requirements for a Masters degree in Landscape Architecture. The report outlines program requirements, provides a brief site evaluation, and discusses the design solution in terms of its conceptual basis and detailed results. The practicum design solution was entered into the masterplan category of an international design competition at the University of California at Davis in the spring of 1988 where it received an "Award of Recognition".;The University of California at Davis' competition lands are part of a long-range plan commitment for the University Arboretum at Davis to develop a campus entry which has earth arts and landscape sculpture as the primary determinants of form. Because the University Arboretum has horticultural research and education as its main function, the program proposed that hardscape should give way to solutions which utilize plants and earth as the fundamental space defining elements. While hardscape and architectural elements could be used to bridge concepts, it was important that access to the soil was not limited. The competition hopes were for inspiring solutions with a strong sense of excitement, unity, place, and in which human scale activities are encouraged.
Keywords/Search Tags:Practicum, Report
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