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Toxicogenomique d'eoha ustorius estuarius apres exposition aux pyrethrinoides et a l'ammoniac

Posted on:2015-08-05Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Universite de Moncton (Canada)Candidate:Bechard, ValerieFull Text:PDF
variety of contaminants find their way to the marine sediments from different sources, and these contaminants can pose serious risks to the natural marine flora and fauna. For example, pyrethroids, which are a potent pesticide family, are often used in agriculture fields worldwide, and these find their way into the marine environment through run off. Further, pyrethroids are used in fanned Atlantic salmon cages in Chile, Great Britain and Norway Ammonia is another contaminant that is used in agriculture in form of ammonia-rich fertilizer and can be carried during run-offs to localized rivers and streams. Ammonia is also detectable after emission of effluents from sewage treatment plants and industrial plants like oil refineries and meat processing plants. Contaminants may have short and long term effects on non-target organisms living in the water column or in the marine sediment. Importantly, the sediment ecosystem houses a variety of plants, animals and crustaceans, including the American lobster Homarus americanus. Lobster is the most fished crustacean in New Brunswick and Quebec and its resale and exportation produced over...
Keywords/Search Tags:Marine
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