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Clinical Inertia: Medication Adherenc

Posted on:2018-07-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Polk, Trimelle JFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390020957501Subject:Public Health
Medication adherence refers to whether individuals take their medications as prescribed by a healthcare specialist. Medication adherence is often understated; however, it is evident as a key element in optimizing care, providing clinical inertia, in the healthcare continuum. Epidemiological studies indicate that non-adherence of medications causes 125,000 deaths annually and accounts for 10% to 25% of hospital and nursing home admissions in the U.S. Medication adherence is an integral part of the medical enterprise. Healthcare professionals should mollify poor medication adherence because the non-adherent behavior is a preventive and expensive issue in the enterprise. Nevertheless, the understanding behind medication adherence is complex and individual. Adherence can be divided into dimensions that reflect this behavior. In this study, we assess specific determinants within these dimensions; adverse drug reactions and self-monitoring of blood pressure, and health professional involvement. Examining these determinants effect on medication adherence will aide in achieving an improved understanding of the quandary behind medication-taking behavior and achieve optimal health outcomes and low cost for patients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medication
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