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Effects of Instrumentation on Dental Microwear Textures: Reanalysis and Augmentation of an Early Hominin Sample

Posted on:2015-08-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Ragni, AnnaFull Text:PDF
Dental microwear texture analysis has been refined to a methodology relying upon scanning confocal microscopy for its advantages of repeatability and standardized quantification. A new instrument, the Plmicro Neox (Sensofar Corp.) confocal profiler recently entered the market, sparking questions among dental anthropologists related to the advantages and efficacy of this new technology, which has better resolution and lighting properties than previously available white-lighted based confocal profilers. This thesis reports on three complementary studies that set out to evaluate the comparability of the Plmicro Neox to the Plmicro Standard system and assess its ability to distinguish primates on the basis of their microwear patterning. The first study examines a sample of hominin molars (Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus) for comparison with data previously scanned and analyzed on the University of Arkansas' Plmicro Standard confocal microscope (Scott et al., 2005). The second study expands the sample of early hominins to determine whether an enlarged sample of A. africanus continues to show significant texture separation from P. robustus. And the third study examines extant primate microwear textures of pitheciids with known dietary differences to determine whether documented food-choice trends are reflected in microwear patterning obtained using the Plmicro Neox. Examining pitheciine molar facets in the past was not possible because of their small size. The new instrument provides higher resolution (0.11 microm with a 150x objective compared to 0.18 microm at 100x on the Plmicro Standard confocal), with a smaller work envelop for a comparable number of sampled points for texture analysis. Results of the first study generally correspond to the original texture analysis of 2005, and the expanded dataset in the second study shows increased variance but the same pattern of differences for A. africanus compared with P. robustus . The third study finds that the Plmicro Neox is capable of parsing broad diet-related differences in microwear textures among the pitheciids, indicating that the new instrument may become an effective instrument for the quantitative characterization and comparison of dental microwear textures to be utilized in laboratories around the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Microwear, Dental, Instrument, Confocal, Plmicro neox, Sample
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