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The Therapeutic Power of Dogs in Private Practice

Posted on:2016-06-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Pollard-Johnson, Kimberly AFull Text:PDF
There is much research on the use of dogs in a variety of settings, however little has been researched on the use of dogs within the private practice therapeutic setting. This thesis aims to explore and highlight the benefits of utilizing dogs as co-therapists in private practice therapeutic settings. The use of dogs in creating a therapeutic relationship that allows for recognition and disclosure of both conscious and unconscious material will be examined. The author utilizes heuristic methodology in this writing, highlighting her own journey and experiences of transformation while interacting with her own personal animals, as well as her therapist's dog, in order to develop conscious and unconscious material, and allow for emotional and psychological change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dogs, Therapeutic, Private
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