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Methamphetamine abuse and adolescent development: A therapeutic intervention

Posted on:2016-09-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaCandidate:Hider, MichelleFull Text:PDF
This master's project focused on adolescents addicted to methamphetamine and how drug use impeded their development. The project discussed the physical, psychological, and social effects that methamphetamine can have on adolescents who have struggled with short-and long-term drug use. Research has indicated that methamphetamine affects the brain more rapidly than other narcotics and has serious implications for adolescents because their brains are still developing. Currently, there is a lack of accessible and affordable treatment programs for adolescents addicted to methamphetamine. Therefore, this master's project proposed a recovery program for adolescents addicted to methamphetamine incorporating Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Prochaska's Stages of Change Model, and essential components of the 12-Step programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Methamphetamine, Development, Adolescents addicted
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