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Synthetic demand for feed barley as a livestock feed ingredient

Posted on:1994-09-09Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:North Dakota State UniversityCandidate:Varghese, BeenaFull Text:PDF
The objective of this study was to estimate the demand schedule for barley as a livestock feed ingredient. A synthetic demand schedule was derived from an optimization model as an alternative to econometric estimation.;Least cost diets for five classes of livestock were formulated, using linear programming that includes nutritional parameters, feedstuff activities, and various feedstuff constraints.;Barley was offered in each diet at a range of barley prices. The simulations showed the price breaks where changes in the consumption of barley occur for various livestock classes. Aggregated demand schedules for animal classes indicated the importance of these classes in regional feed barley demand.;Similar techniques were used to evaluate shift factors in barley demand. The value of individual barley characteristics in specific animal rations was shown through hedonic analysis. Simulations were conducted to show the impact of enhanced barley characteristics, such as protein and lysine content, on regional demand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Barley, Demand, Livestock feed ingredient
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